Friday, June 22, 2012

Photo post!

So, i will be doing a picture post today
these are just some pictures i took over the 2 weeks where i didnt post
tired and cranky today so bear with me for no words
but i bet you like a blog with less words right so yeah
let the pictures speak for themselves ;)

                                                              (a small little summary picture)

(taken one day on my way home. that day had a beautiful sunset)

(i made onigiri or in english rice-balls in my jap class ^^)

(le llama unnie bought it for us!! ><)

(a bday cake to our lama A!!)

(le lama gurls)

(aunt came back from france and bought macroons!)

(this is why i keep growing fat. love my aunt and im glad her family and her are all back healthily ^^)

(a school project whereby we had to make a float for a parade and we chose da theme 'a garden city' i think
we did well for this project, hopefully da faci will finally give us an A ><)

with that i shall go to sleep
goodnight everyone :)

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