Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Looking back at my 5years in WSSS

HEY!!! sooo guess what!?
ahh haa well da stressful/suicidal moments is over!!
now is just to worry about the results.
overall im not satisfied..it felt like i did less then i did for N
maybe because there was a big gap between papers..
except during the 2nd week...damn that week was my nightmare!!
sigh yesterday marked my last day of skool.
no more seeing of someone.....

actually im really really gonna miss skool days.
the days whr we would just gossip,days i wait for the bell to ring
the super fatigue from staying up late at night to finish homewrk (humanes especially)
then there were memories from 2G i think that class will forever stay in my heart.
i mean the ruckus and chaos we made, we made our teachers cry
we were so called "the worse class"
but then mr chen, our then form teacher believed in us, saw us in a different light
and then that year a teacher came into our lives somehow changing us.
though we whine and complain and glare at her, u gotta admit she helped us alot.
and truthfully speaking i have never seen a teacher so determined yet sarcastic to change us.
but ah ha the best memory was her throwing half the class out the class cuz we didnt
bring out literature book when actually it was history lesson.
but none of us dare to talk back to her and we just set there at the corridor
hoping da principal wont walk pass.
but then i think it was because of her that we got 98% passes for Ns
im serious. yes it was our hardwork,but at da back of our heads her speeches did
affect us somehow. her sudden yelling and stuff.
so really im grateful to have met a teacher like her,though she is scary and i still
cant look her in the eye and i will forever keep bowing to my phone whn she calls me.
oh not to mention she was my class's form teacher for 4 years...thats long.
then there are other memories this year that includes
studying at mac wif friends and craking up at da end of the session
for me well...i might also miss running arnd chasing people for forms and stuff
if i wasnt appointed to be class chairperson i bet i wont talk to anyone
or even interact wif half the class..so yeah...
and really honestly speaking though its irritating i enjoyed being a chairperson
but i think i did anything being one ah ha!!
though we may have our differences at the end of the day u are gonna miss skool.
5years we've been together almost as long as primary skool
and it was filled with tears frm teachers,fights among students,but i totally enjoyed it.
some memories might make me cringe but i treasure them none the less
i wish all my classmates all da best and my friends to stay in contact.
maybe we can have a renunion 5years down the road haha~~
=====1G/'07 2G/'08 3F/'09 4G/'10 5A/'11======

well now that im done with my post i shall try to sleep again
i slept only at like 4.30am cuz i was battling wif stupid technology =.=

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