Listening To:No Boundaries-Adam lambert
Watching:atashinci no danshi<--i love tis show!
today no skool!!yesss!!
but then tmrw have..die le lor..
haha,yesterday aft the elective module was fun,play catching..
first it was fiona,lydia,bryan and me,
later wei qiang came and also gilliam they all come
so we play together..
the 2nd round game i hid inside the slide then fiona come catch me,i wanted to climb up but canot
then i just sat
both fiona and i kan jong then i also not clear wud happen
next ting i noe,im laughing in pain haha..and i sprained my ankle..
at least i tink its getting better,but still cant walk arnd much.
my parents ask me wud happend, and i cant possibly tell them i was playing catching right?
so i said i was walking and my leg went into a hole.haha,they actually believed me
and lectured me on how i should walk with my eyes on the ground AHH WELL.
yesterday quite suay.
i was lazy to wlak to 10 mile,so i took the lrt,tinking tat there was a service c,but then dun have..
i waited 3 trains later i realised i should just get off at phonix and walk haha.
so i did.then i was 5 mins late.dang.then had to write compo.
more suay was got anotheer student in tat class..wah siao. today im mroe relax,.though need to do house chores..
eeeeee i love adam lambert
hu cares if hes gay or bisexual..hes just got the friggin talent
and im glad he jonied american idol,cuz now theres another new talent discovered!
u noe i dun get why people say 'ew' whn someone say he/she is gay or lesbian.
so if i said i was bisexual will u still be my friend?
i mean its realli weird.ahh well i guess diff people have diff opinions.
sigh ok imma go,
i still have a few pages for 'the notebook'
i wanted to finish it yesterday which i almost did,
but i was crying till i couldnt cry anymore..
its been so long since i cried hmm..
i mean its a realli sad,yet perfect story,its realli realli sad
ive made a good choice in using tis book for a review hehe.,.
hah well bye!
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