Listening to:take on me-a-ha/wrong-depeche mode(live on jimmy kimmel)
what a bloody day!
ok so it was a bit sunny when i went to a-mths tution,
and i was like"gee,today seems a nice day,i wont need an umbrella"
thn when i came out of a-maths guess what!
it was raining bloody cats and dogs.
i mean COME ON!!
i ran all the way home.
so i ran,halfway my slipper came off and im like @#$%!
thn i ran and ran..
i found a new tip...NVR WEAR WHITE PANTS WHN U DUN HAVE A FRIGGIN UMBRELLA! just lucky my pants was soaked on the bottom half.
dang what a day,
then i came home changed and went out again..
did i mention i slipped likE 5 BLOODY TIMES!
jeez! after tat the rest of the day i was shivering.on the bus and in during the next tution..
anyways after tution went lot 1
cuz my rents were out again..they just ove taking a bus and mrt arnd singapore...
so i was bored and just went lot 1,borrowed bks and came back home..
lame rite?
i seriously need a life...AHHHH
anyho,watching night at the slike my 3rd time watching
nvr get bored of it though.
hhaha well i gtg...byez!
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