Listening to:Beautiful-eminem/lose urself-eminem<--lurve to rap to tis..hehe though my raping suxs>.<>ok so today was fun..i didnt stay at home..YAY!
i met with davita...she is so pretty now...
as all my primary skool friends have become.
i tink tink im the onli one hu lks like...this.
the first time she saw me,the first few wrds were
"i cant believe u become like tis"
haha..she was shocked as i had grew long hair.
haha.i bet she thought tats the last ting i would do.
i was rather boyish in my pri skool days..haha.
she said the next step for me to be more'girly' was to buy a skirt..
which for ur info i do not wear outside EVAR!!..i alrdy hate my skool uniform's skirt.
dresses and skirts are in the long list along with tube tops and short pants and many others which all my friends seem to wear nowadays and call it summer fashion.
horrible yea?i noe..its rather..shite.
so i just watched an episode of hayate the combatbutler..ITS SO HILARIOUS
though a bit wonder its liek..uh hum..PG.
there is the singapore comic and toys convention on the 14-16 of august...
I WANT TO GO!i am definately going this time..
though i counted its like the 7th week of term 3.
which means a week b4 the exams..heck its THE week b4 the exams so what can i do?
im talking abt IF there is common test 3 and i dang hope there aint.
so if anybody can go?i want to go along..i dun care if its a sat or sun..I WANT TO GO!
there might even be star trek exhibitions cuz there was star wars and star trek was big in was stil in s'pore's box-office last i checked on 8 days last week.
hehe.its like SO awesome...
oh u noe yesterday i heard on the radio.making a bucket list was good for the mind
adn help u live life a bit more longer with less complication.
so i made one..and i hope i stick next to it.hey i noe its early till im 89,
but hey hu noes till when we've got and us like spending our entire lives studying the first half and wrking the next mroe then half lives,
its better to make goals ..even like a small one like,learn an ollie on a skateboard.
its good enough!
haha well,im just sayin!
well BYECHA!
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