its christmas today
did you get anything?
well i got nothing but i did get myself a gift as always.
well today was boring
my dad went out to meet his friend hus here for christmas.
i was watching this programme where jiro from farenheit was in japan.
before that was arron in nagoya,also japan.
but then my mom wanted to go out so i followed her
went to lot 1 bought grocery and walked around.
then said hi to yiling haha
i pretended to be browsing at the shoes and she just walked past me
then look back then saw me haha.
im so good at disguising i should do it more often right?
well im thinking of hanging out on monday again haha
just relaxing
i have this gathering on the 30th sad.
family gathering well,someting to look forward to?
not sure haha.
well im practicing on writing raps now
haha,trying to improve my writing :]
why?cuz im really bored.
well im gonna go.
off to see stuffs,wel interviews and music video.
i cant get the stupid song out off my head!
haha have to listen it to sleep. >.<
not going to say what song though haha.for me to noe..not you.
well nights!
have a nice christmas!
"times change
pictures fade
we once laughed together
now you act like a stranger
the cup of coffee still in my hand
i sweared
crushed it against the wall
now its just a stain
just another pain
can't take this anymore
whats love
whats a kiss
whats made
whats --shh
dun go around like you know shitt
cuz you change like the
wind of time
just let me go
of this pain
just let me go
outta this den"-(M)
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