unfortunately i was unable to post on the 1st day of the new year :{
i was also unable to post on the end of the new year....
ahh well who cares keke
im posting at 12am on da 2nd of January of 2012
so i finally ended my work and lets just say i have alot of mixed feelings.
im gonna miss all my colleagues there. seriously.
the things they have done for me during christmas was really touching
i feel really bad not giving anything back to them.
every morning i would sit in the macdonalds there
occasionally i see cute guys sitting there eating mac,
on other days im sitting with invisible people. its peaceful.
the only downside was the 1 hr rides to and from my workplace.
i wont complain about the ride back cuz i think its awesome
but mornings are terrible.
i woke up at 6am just to go to work =.=
as 2011 came to an end many incidents happened.
very bad,terrible incidents. this forced me to wake up at 5.30am
and doubledmy house chores,not that im complaining
its just im not used to it so im a bit tired about it.
sigh. i seriously wonder why unfortunate things keep befalling around me.
then this afternoon, there was news that a 7.0 magnitude hit the coast of japan
and tokyo shook quite badly.
i sad and shocked at the news. i mean its the first of january!!
cant god spare them at least the new year!?
i dont understand. im starting to believe less in god,buddha or any religious beings.
whenever i pray to them, it happens in the opposite.
tell me why i should keep believing in them.
will they give me strength? no.
will they get me through the pain? i believe not.
till now music is the only one that saved me.
ok since its the new year im gonna stop my rants....
i want a happy post.
#1. To.Be.More.Girly.or basically act/dress like a girl,be more feminine?
yea yea same as every year,yet i failed to do so every year...
i dont know. short shorts irk me, skirts make me puke and dresses makes me hurl.
so um...i really dont know when i will overcome this resolution.
but hey im making progresses rite? i mean i used to wear baggy jeans and shorts
now i prefer skinny jeans...thats.good.right?'
#2. To.Take.JLPT.N5.
yes. i want to take an exam. fo real. since things happened and i cant work anymore
i decided to focus on my japanese. im gonna go full force and study it like i did for chinese.
im a half! why waste my special ability right? i mean ok if i couldnt speak then maybe
i would think twice,but i can. so, if i just learn how to read and write,it'll be okay!
and also, i want to take the test so at least i could be something i want to be in the future.
an english teacher in japan :)
i kinda told myself this. ( this is IF the world dosent end this year...hopefully it dosent,but seeing
the weather patterns and many causalities im starting to be worried bout it)
20 years i will stay in singapore,another 20 i shall spend in japan,da rest of my life i will stay
somewhr else...lolz..lets see whr i end up then...
#3 To.Drink.
YES! IM 18!!! i can drink LEGALLY...how awesome is that.. i seriously cant wait for my birthday. im gonna go buy some and drink keke.
#4. To.Continue.Learning.To.Play.Guitar
im slowly improving but of course i need more practice...i need to at least be able to play one
musical instrument dont i...lolz..
#5. To.Be.Fitter.
yeahh one of my new year resolution. im not gonna say to be skinner cuz i doubt i will be.
i just want to stick to my exercise routine this year,cuz i always stick to it for 2 months and then
i stop :/ so yeah. stick to my exercise routine and be fitter..i want 'em lines on my tummy!!
#6 To.Go.To.Japan.
seriously i really really reaaaaaallly wanna go. i need to go. by the end of this year especially.
i dont know why but there is always a reason when i suddenly have the urge of wanting to go.
like the other time in 2009,one day in june i suddenly had flashbacks and was keen of going to japan. i kept pestering my parents to bring me for the june hols. bt they were like after Os etc etc. then it happened. my grandmother passed away. thats why i dont know. i just feel that i
want to go,but im really not looking forward to whats gonna happen. im just going to pray sincerely that everyone will be safe from harm.
ok. so yeah a short new year resolution but yeah haha...i can always restart from CNY
ok then i shall bid farewell and go back to my vids ^^
nites lovelies. LETS ALL PARTY!!!
P.S in reality im just doing this
the exact same pose. like seriously..rofl.
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