well im blogging..
why? i always do this on the last day of the year
so i must do it this year too..
well before i go on
let me write some reflection of what i did this year.
what i accomplished, what i felt sad about.
1.the starting of the year was a very rocky start, not even a few days
after the year turned, i lost someone close to my heart already.
i was pretty depressed about it. i still remember clearly
school just started, it was after skool i was happily laughing going home
when i received an sms...its pretty cruel. knowing someone passed away via sms
but i guess if she called me i wouldve just broke down infront of everyone and i didnt
want that. that was just plain harsh. i had just recovered from my other sad state
not 2 months back and just like that i was on the plane to japan for abt 1 week.
yes yes i said i had swine flu..that cuz i did not want anyone to know i went to japan.
for the next 3 months, just by hearing the word japan i would tear.
now at night i still think about them, during those stressful times i also thought of them.
however im better now and i guess at times i forgot my pain cuz the people in class
made me laugh :] by the time i returned to skool, i cried so much that i had no more
tears to cry.
2.the next most impacting thing was most probably my coursework...
i think i almost died doing it. i really put my heart into it but i got four for it *tch*
i guess its not pretty for others. but to me, its gorgeous..i like it.
i might even think of taking it back home..hey, i paid for that bloody canvas
its my property anyways. if people think it sucks then i might as well put it at home.
i love it. it has my sweat and blood in it. blood literally.
i remember i stayed in skool until 8..
haha i really slacked alot.
then during june holidays, i would do and do and do, paint and paint and paint
that corner of that art room became 2nd house. like literally.
haha.so yea. not taking art every again.
3.of course i have to talk about N levels right? haha. well it was a stressful period
but i dont remember studying. isnt it weird?
i remember i didnt study for my SS and history, i was practically panicking
that day cuz nothing could go in! however i managed to do the paper.
the 'intensive' period was more like slacking period and i loved maths lessons
for the first time. why? cuz maths was so easy! haha. i almost killed myself
doing amaths, i slept during english..come on honestly..it was boring!
for chinese? hmm i was half awake the class was pretty noisy
and i never learnt anything. hence i got a shock when i got three for it.
and merit for oral..yayz!
well i think i really paid attention in class for SS and history cuz it paid off,
i didnt study like a maniac like others but i still clinched a two..happy wif it.
i thought i would get a five or four =.=
english, super surprised, i thought cambridge was strict?
combined science..was kinda sad. i guess they moderated that paper right?
sigh chemistry...i feel so bad for my chem teacher..i remember one weekend
i went there asked all the questions in one go. i managed to do my paper!!
but then this marks =.=" super disappointed wif it.
so yeah in total my N level results was super shocking...for the first time in my life
i was proud of myself. who cares about those awards u get at CC or in skool.
i got friggin good points! and im proud of myself.im happy i did my parents proud too.
especially my dad..now he can go around showing off my results haha..even though its 'N'
im not those 'born then smart' kinda kid so yea.
3.i guess the last hightlight of the year was the JYJ showcase..now this was a real miracle.
me and ker experienced a miracle for the first time in our life.
we wanted JYJ to come and they came. we were excited. but when we saw the prices
for the tickets, our face fell, we could afford the cheapest one, however the ticket selling
was during our N levels so,yeah, we cant possibly ditch our national exam for a ticket.
so we were really sad. after the exam we heard it was still selling but it was DAMN ex.
we can certainly NOT afford it. so we were on the verge of giving up. but really did
not want to, cuz this was 3 guys from our fave group! so we tried radio station but failed
then finally i came across twitter selling ticks and tried it.
AND WE GOT IT! man we were so excited. we went and we had the time of our lives.
when we reached there, we totally felt under-dressed la.haha.everyone wore so nice nice.
we wore as if we were going bugis or something haha.ANYWAYS....
i still remember...haha i bet ker still remembers too. man we were so elated about it.
even after the showcase was over we were still shaking. i mean we just saw 3 of our idols~!!
haha yeah i still remember ker saw the video of yoochun and say he look like her mum
haha.must go her house one day see yoochun then haha..~~
well i guess thats about it, for the holidays i spent my days working.it was good experience
and i had a really good rest.
now this is really gonna be a long post so bear with me. cuz its the last post of the year
and well there was alot of 'Happening' things haha.
now my next year resolution i guess? or maybe not resolution
but things i want to do and stuff..wait..thats a resolution..ahh well.
1.be more like a girl.every year this resolution comes first.yet i can never
accomplish it.heh.
2.be able to see dbsk as 5? hopefully..hopefully 2011 they can be together
or at the least, let the courtcase be over peacefully and not let cassies or the boys
shed anymore tears.
3.'O' levels...i have to someting about this major exam i guess..haha..cant slack
like i did for N...must put my heart.mind.soul. wait,that sounds familiar...
4.hmm i think i have nothing else..not be depressed?
2010 was a rather depressing year for me so yea i hope 2011 will go well.
5.oh yeah GET RID OF ART! this i can accomplish..im so not taking art
next year..
6.hmm maybe get a bike like finally, and cycle.
7. oh yea after exam, im so dying my hair light brown.my parents already gave me
the green sign anyways..their kinda sad im dying back my hair black. i am too
so when i go back skool, i'll have jet black hair...kekeke. artificial black.
i wonder how i look like in black hair? i completely forgot.
8.of course after Os, i wanna go sentosa!! like really go!!!
so yeap.thats my resolution i guess..nothing much cuz i know some cant be accomplished
so yea.
hmm ok then im gonna go
tmrw is 1st of 2011, and i wish u all a blessed year ahead.
we are turning 17 next year and are really gonna be the senior of the senior
of our skool :D
dying my hair to black on sunday :[ so if on tuesday i look weird, its ok haha.
some people say its REALLY obvious,some say its not.
gah hu cares. im just gonna dye black.lolz.
well then, goodbye :D
and goodbye to 2010~~
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