(my shoes...lks grand but got it for a cheap price)
(my cat shirt :D)
well today is a day out for me
to find stuffs for...sigh.prom.
it was a really totally last minute job.
just last week i was doing nothing thinking nothing
then BOOM! one sms and i am going...
i scare later i go,no seat 0.0
cuz i dun remember if i said i was going or not
though i did pass up my edusave form just this week on weds lolz
so i went to hunt for a dress today.
yes.a dress. u did not read wrongly. i planned on going wearing my suit
which i wanted to ask from japan..but my mum just beat my head.lolz.
so she kinda dragged me to metro..
found a nice dress. i liked the navy blue one..
but of course had to take in my mother's consideration i took red..
so blazer red,dress red,everything's red.. lolz..gonna be as if im attending
chinese new year..ah well..
i cant believe i was size 2!! but i bought size 3 cuz well...i hate fitting stuff..
after that i went to OG to buy shoes..yea..shoes..lolz.
kinda stupid...bag i dun care..just grab something.
then after that i went to bugis to get my cat shirt!!
i cant believe they still sold it!!
haha yea i went through the place i hate most
to get it.. kinda tired..
i feel so bad for letting my parents buy all these stuffs for me..
just for a stupid prom..i feel damn bad..
i think after i get my 2nd pay i'll buy them something..
cuz i feel so bad.and i duno how to thank them...
maybe after work on mon i shall go buy the other stuffs...
well im hungry now so gonna make dinner~~
rice,natto,kimchi and cucumber.
yea im lazy...haha
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