(alot of people right?!?)(the miracle ticket..like really a miracle)
hello people
hello people
im back here blogging after a few well days..haha
well many things happened since i last updated..
lets see i was whining of not able to going to the JYJ showcase
and i was even trying on wednesday to win it.
but alas, i couldnt
on thurs i saw twitter someone selling extra ticks and just went to 'try my luck'
but then the person didnt have like 2 seats side by side
so ker and i though we were out of luck
but then someone else asked me if i wanted..of course have to pay..
i practically grabbed my phone and called ker..haha we were both hyper
fast forward to sat
i went out the house at 4.30 plus after finishing stuffs at home to meet ker at suntec.
she was hanging out there with boon and Qf.
took a 47mins long ride to get there..
kinda pissed on the train cuz i seriously hate being around many people
alone. and these people dun say sorry or excuse me when they hit me or something.
jeez.learn some manners!
after the toturing ride, walked or rather fast-walked to suntec and the place they were eating..
then walked back to mrt with ker,took the train to bedok and got our tickets..
we were smiling like idiots...finally we reached expo...there were many fans there
many dressed in red,if not they were dressed to the max..quite pretty.
me and ker felt out of place. she wore shorts and a tee with shoes
i wore a shirt and a jeans and shoes..looking like going to a rock concert.
heck its the exact same outfit i wore to paramore.
went to expo,i havent ate dinner so i ate cup noodles there..kinda pathetic
after that ker and i looked up and down for a toilet cuz
there was so many people everywhr~
walked around cut across the VERY long queue for the JYJ concert just to get
to where we wanted...the toilet..lolz
after that we made our way back to pass Hall 6 to get in line and wait to get in.
the hall at concert was held at was Hall 3
yea it was THAT long. finally went in like omg
i couldnt believe i was actually there!
i just kinda regretted not getting a lightstick..
(cuz they were selling the poster and lightstick together at 10 bucks..
i didnt wan the poster cuz i already had one,yea the exact same one
i just wanted the lightstick but i was afraid to ask..sigh...)
we took our place
then a few minutes later the place went black
gosh it was so nice, the red sea in the center...
i just wished i really bought the lightstick cuz our side did not hav much red.
finally it started
the three came out on the top of the stairs..
the whole hall just burst into screams..louder then they already were.
i couldnt believe my eyes that i saw yoochun :D
gah~ he looked so awesome!! they sang 'empty' then 'be the one' and then 'be my girl'
the whole time i didnt now whr to look..the stage or the screen
i was just stunned that i was seeing them
cuz just 2 days ago,i would never have thought or even dreamed that i would see them
from far!!!
after that there was a short talk, yoochun spoke english
while they were speaking, ker told me that the screen in the middle
the speaker just nice blocked yoochun's head. like really..only the head.
i didnt even notice cuz i was so immersed in the talk..when i did
i was like wtf =.=
i was quite far so i couldnt hear properly but i did hear junsu's 'very good'
the rest i forgot..cuz i was too immersed at looking at yoochun.
i just wished they had bigger screens...totally loved yoochun's english
after that a video came out and one by one the members spoke
there was words/translation but from where i was, i couldnt read at all.
when yoochun spoke in the vid
ker suddenly laughed..i asked her wud.and she said YC in the vid lked like her mum
well she had to endure my multiple attacks during the show and after the show as well..
so if u saw 2 girls chasing each other in expo aft the show, it would be me and ker.
they sang chajatta haha, me and ker were singing to it
i think that was where i started to loose my voice haha...
i wish i could wave as well but then people around me was like dead.
nobody did anything 0.0 but hu cares
i just sang my heart out..and screamed when yoochun sang the first verse..
which not many people did...come on..its yoochun!!!
jaejoong got the loudest scream...lolz esp from the one beside me.
i wanted to scream oh my go-sun haha~~
but then there was this girl hu kept saying 'shut up' when people screamed.
jeez chill man. really anyway even if we screamed they wont see.
but gah it felt so awesome..
they ended off with 'empty' the remixed version and YC told us to stand and jump
i jumped but then people around me were once again dead
and hence i stopped as well
but that didnt stop me and ker from shouting "let it go" haha
we were having so much fun among the dead people lolz~~
yoochun also said "always keep da faith!" and that they would/might (cant hear properly)
be back in singapore next year for a concert..
if they are,,time to start saving money
i wanna see yoochun and next time im bringing my own light stick
but im still gonna wear the same thing haha shirt and jeans.
after the show ended,ker and i tried to take pics
but both of us were shaking still...quite badly haha
guess we were nervous,happy,stunned and shocked all at the same time
guess thats it..kinda long huh~ haha
well im gonna go, the remixed version of empty is stuck in my head
and i have some stuffs to do..haha
i am really happy i did not give up in trying to find the tickets.
we were really happy...finally our hopes were true :D
first both of us wished JYJ came to singapore,it happened
next we wished they sold tickets even after 9..they did!
but then Cat D were sold out, we tried our luck in winning
bt we didnt however, we got our tickets online somehow :D
see believing aint that bad..always keep da faith!
well nites!!/Always keep the faith/
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