Sunday, August 29, 2010

spicy instant noodles :D

well well isnt it hot today?
well yesterday was hot as well and i went to east coast
i wanted to hang out at lot 1 but couldnt cuz my rents said they want to go out
but then when i came home they say not going out
i kinda got pissed off
but in the end we went to east coast
and i had a time of my life
by just looking up into the night sky
and saw stars decorating it.

i saw 'W' in the night sky
i think i was thinking too much of dbsk haha
then i saw loads of airplanes flying out of singapore
and i wished i was on one of them
and go to a place im familiar yet am not familiar of.

well this whole week is intensive
damn shit.whole day of skool only for english,SS and chinese
and now i've got a flu again
which is trying to suffocate me
really of all times and years to be sick
it has to be this year =.=
why couldnt it be last year? i wished so much to be sick last year!!
so i didnt have to feel the hatred and puking now.
at least i feel better now
i finally woke up from my stupid dream.
to see him happy is good enough for me
i guess i just have to live my life liking someone in my dreams.

jeez.this is getting depressing
well im gonna go
being called off for dinner...
im sick and my mom cooks mapo tofu
i hope its without chilli
if not i think im gonna die while eating someting spicy with a sore throat..

yup she cooked mine without chilli...YAY!!
though i have craving for instant noodles thanks to 2days1night..lolz..

well im gonna go...

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