well exam finally over
haha ok fine not officially,
but well yeah tmrw's art and later im gonna finish it!
im determined to..i want to start piecing my art piece
its gonna be hard for me i think
i never sewn embroidary before so...haha
not my type of art
but no choice i guess when the topic is like something on flowers =.=
well exam period boring
though yesterday was fun,slack at mac
use bryan iphone haha
instead of physics i learnt how to use the iphone..yay!
currently in a good mood
those these few days are getting depressing
cuz there were exams,sommore dbsk lawsuit again
sigh hope the members would do what they like and what they do the best.
even if its not together i will support :D
anyways watching videos again cuz nothing
hee listening to old japanese songs again so nice...
sigh i cant wait for after 'N' level
such a big exam...=.=
must pass normal then take ordinary haha
you know how our schools liek start early then end early...
while skools like in jap
an they like finish skool at 6+ aft tht got tution
then i duno reach home abt 7+
yet why does it seem education in singapore is more stressful?
i rather have classes at night then day time...
cant wait to have remedials :D
cuz confirm chinese fail.chem fail.physics fail.ss fail.
so many sia..half the subjects..oh ya emaths and amaths also fail la.
not mnuch confidence
haha today during chem super happy
cuz suddenly had inspiration to write a song..
the part just suddenly came to my head..
sigh but then my chem fail le lo.
i died when i saw paper 2..
the person sitting at the table..its not me... its my ghost..
well im gonna catch up on my sleep
my eyes have been hurting these few days keep sleeping at near 1am..
wakeup at 5 am...i think i can go crazy..
all for the results so my parents wont say i slack...haha
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