back from skool..
everyday is so tiring.
heng tis week's pe do nth.
next week weds NAFA test somemore on tat day gt pe..die.
anyways tmrw going to be a rather long day too..
i must sleep well today.
wah dun noe why today so boring..
during chem my whole feelings just went down..like
i didnt want to do anyting i jusy felt terrible.
could be the bone i swallowed yesterday...but im not sure.
during physics i wrote a song and during chem
i drew another spock.haha.
sigh.oh u noe what i want right now?
ELASTIC HEADBANDS and jelly bracelets.
but i dun noe whr sell elastic headbands though i noe whr sell jelly bracelets..
mayb i buy from cindy i duno.
i heard forever 21 sells elastic headbands..but im not sure.
I NEED CLOTHES! my clothes are all terrible.
mayb next time im going to call davita or cheryl or some help.
i need to wear more uh hum..femine.and they both were liek me
but now became so nice..ok i have no idea wud im saying.
cuz i tnk my brain still has water from just now.hmmm...
anyways i gtg.
i need a nap..too tired..slept at 12 last night doing chem and hist.
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