whoo hoo!!
i noe this is my 2nd post but i dun care!
went on twitter,found out the vid's out,
i mean come on ITS DA USED!!
now another reason for me to go to orchard.
heh heh.
i need their new album artwork and also mcfly's CD.
i dun noe wud other music i should buy
but those 2 are on my top list heh heh
sooooo im just so hyped up
thus came online to profess it.heh heh
im retarded eh?
well if its okay
the vid should be below or above this post
take a lk,
tats my fave type of songs haha..
well nite nite
Friday, July 31, 2009
listening to songs which piss me off..haha
im home yea!haha today was a tiring and fun day
went to skool blur blur just wake up
waiting for another borin day when poof sumeting cool started.
so at 1st they say miss neesah MC,
but then she was in skool.
she then call yiling,fiona,lee ying and i to help her to carry those isles down.
haha,then we thought tats our onli job.
hu knew we were supposed to interact with those students.
see today we had an exchange programme with a skool in huangzhou.
quite cool,the onli problem?
i had a hard time communicating.
if ms narimah or miss neesah told me earlier,
i would have furiously studied chinese b4 talking to them.
the 2 sutdents whom i took care of,
it took a while b4 i got a hang of wud their saying and reply them properly.
i also used yiling as a translator,
truthly speaking she is a good translator..realli.
if the people were english students i wouldnt have minded,
but i guess its okay.
though i wish we could have gone to their skool haha.
after tat i didnt feel like coming home
so i waited for lydia to finish CCA and thn went home together haha
WELL ive writte alot so..
i might post a vid up..im not sure oh well depends on my mood haha
well bye!
im home yea!haha today was a tiring and fun day
went to skool blur blur just wake up
waiting for another borin day when poof sumeting cool started.
so at 1st they say miss neesah MC,
but then she was in skool.
she then call yiling,fiona,lee ying and i to help her to carry those isles down.
haha,then we thought tats our onli job.
hu knew we were supposed to interact with those students.
see today we had an exchange programme with a skool in huangzhou.
quite cool,the onli problem?
i had a hard time communicating.
if ms narimah or miss neesah told me earlier,
i would have furiously studied chinese b4 talking to them.
the 2 sutdents whom i took care of,
it took a while b4 i got a hang of wud their saying and reply them properly.
i also used yiling as a translator,
truthly speaking she is a good translator..realli.
if the people were english students i wouldnt have minded,
but i guess its okay.
though i wish we could have gone to their skool haha.
after tat i didnt feel like coming home
so i waited for lydia to finish CCA and thn went home together haha
WELL ive writte alot so..
i might post a vid up..im not sure oh well depends on my mood haha
well bye!
Thursday, July 30, 2009

listening to:born to lead-hoobastank/dragon rider-jay chou
hey!back home again!tired,it was a rather long day
it seemed forever for skool to end.
but i got hungry and i was wandering wud i should eat haha.
i thought of going to lot 1 and buy someting and go 7-11 buy tat keychain,
but i got lazy and just went home as lydia,fiona and syah took taxi home.
i came home and cooked lunch..
lks nice right?im SO proud of myself haha.
well,ive got liek loads of homewrk stacked up and waiting for me over in my room
SO,im gonna do those..or sleep and do it at night.
haha,tonight got heroes!yay!
haha..hmm..i cant seem to find tat song i heard yesterday..
wei qiang and xitong both say wrongly leh..hmm...
but i still agree with wei qiang and say its jay chou.haha
well i gtg,
start hmwrk,BYEZ!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Lemma noe wuds up cuz im a fiver and i aint gonna get a fever~

yay!can use com!
urgh i hate fishing on pet society
keep getting the bloody rubishes.
well today skool was so boring i could puke
i almost slept during a-maths,
but miss rani keep talking and talking
somemore i dun understand
i just copy from qifang..
gd leh,she got listen can copy from her
when she not listening i got listen...good lor,
then today no history practice paper!though
we had to bring it back home and do it tonight,pass up tmrw..hmph.
oh well,better then staying back to 4pm.
tmrw i dun wana go to art club!
veri tiring leh...
haha,urgh,mother asking me to clear this and tat fad up alrdy lah!
i wana go here DNA by wu yue tian!
wei qiang say not bad..must go hear sia...
i like wu yue tian,not bad lor.
haha,well,my football fever has ceased thx god.
after i found out even lucas podolski has a kid.
why are all the good men taken?!?!
well today had fun at lot 1,fiona,syah,,ydia and i went mad
wewent to kiddy palace and laughed like mad..
fiona made me wear a stuuuuupid hat which is obviously
too small for my friggin head..hmm i want tat picture.
then write on those sand-like board,wudevar its called.
then cc the jap stuff,lydia went mad,.
1 tip,nver let lydia eat too much,she goes higggggggh!
haha well,i gtg
yay!can use com!
urgh i hate fishing on pet society
keep getting the bloody rubishes.
well today skool was so boring i could puke
i almost slept during a-maths,
but miss rani keep talking and talking
somemore i dun understand
i just copy from qifang..
gd leh,she got listen can copy from her
when she not listening i got listen...good lor,
then today no history practice paper!though
we had to bring it back home and do it tonight,pass up tmrw..hmph.
oh well,better then staying back to 4pm.
tmrw i dun wana go to art club!
veri tiring leh...
haha,urgh,mother asking me to clear this and tat fad up alrdy lah!
i wana go here DNA by wu yue tian!
wei qiang say not bad..must go hear sia...
i like wu yue tian,not bad lor.
haha,well,my football fever has ceased thx god.
after i found out even lucas podolski has a kid.
why are all the good men taken?!?!
well today had fun at lot 1,fiona,syah,,ydia and i went mad
wewent to kiddy palace and laughed like mad..
fiona made me wear a stuuuuupid hat which is obviously
too small for my friggin head..hmm i want tat picture.
then write on those sand-like board,wudevar its called.
then cc the jap stuff,lydia went mad,.
1 tip,nver let lydia eat too much,she goes higggggggh!
haha well,i gtg
Sunday, July 26, 2009
the night of the reds,which just caused me a fever
just watched the match of liverpool against singapore.
well is was an hour ago,but hey its still fresh in my memory
u noe singapore shld have played lionel lewis since the 2nd half
then mayb liverpool wouldnt score tat much
ok im not a liverpool fan,
but i just like soccer guys.fernando torres is so hot..
he took his shirt off after the match..ahhh...ive gone mad
i realli regret not choinging to velocity on friday
instead stayed in skool for a lame party.
if was fun but abit lame..like no action.
seriously wanted to c torres in person
oh and alonso is another(not the racer,the footballer)
alonso is also cute
but none of them can beat lucas podolski..haha
ahh this match has been like the first match i seriously watched since the world cup
next year is world cup i cant wait.
i pray lucas podolski will play.oh and philip lahm..hes good
it'll be a pity not to play him..
but then oliver kahn i tink is not playing so it'll be tat tall dude..hus name i cant rmbe.
oh did i mention liverpool's goalkeeper is cute?haha dun noe his name though
urgh im SO regretting..now my moods like ze-ro.
so sad tmrw skool...so sad..
sad like hell.i havent done amaths nor ss.
i tink im gonna fail all my tests again..sigh.
i dun pay attention in class,i sleep alot.
i dun noe how to study somemore..sigh...
ahh well,haha i guess i gotta sleep.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
football,sports fanatic alert!
OK i noe i posted rather depressing stuffs so im gonna post another one
yeah im crazy about the german..agin dun question
-Fernando torres<1,85,liverpool,spanish>

-LUCAS PODOlSKI-<1.85,currently>
<-used to have tis pic in my wallet in p6 dun ask why -Bastian Schweinsteiger(1.83,last known in bayern munich)
yeah im crazy about the german..agin dun question
-Fernando torres<1,85,liverpool,spanish>
-LUCAS PODOlSKI-<1.85,currently>
listening to:blood on my hands-the used
on the com todae,
haha well this week was really a rush
especially on friday but i guess its alright
i've got a pile of homewrk stacked in my room.
amazingly enough,
i've done onli 3 questions of the pile.
haha im supppperrrr lazy,
yesterday my rents scolded me like shit
so i had no mood to go on the com.
super pissed...i tink its been a while since i felt so pissed like shit
yay!im quitting my e-maths tution
now dun have to rush here and there
haha but kinda sad to leave mr foo
hes a great teacher yet im so stupid i cant rmber
any formulas or short cuts he teach.
im actually crying..haha..crying!hah.hes a great teacher trust me
i just didnt pay much...attention at all.
now im starting at base 1 again.
no friends,no nothing empty in a classroom filled with geniouses.
like how i am in class
how depressing can i be?!?!
well have u heard of the other plane crash?
its so sad
i wonder if its due to our earth's gravity pull is weakening
if it is...i tink we all will be in trouble.
h1n1,plane crashes,sucide bombings,nuclear bombs,global warming
its probably just another straw before poof we all are gone.
have we thought about it?
someting worse lurking out there?
worse then tsunamis.earthquakes,tornados.
all these are worse enough
i hope the world will be okay
and nothing more can be done
to hurt this home we all live in.
on the com todae,
haha well this week was really a rush
especially on friday but i guess its alright
i've got a pile of homewrk stacked in my room.
amazingly enough,
i've done onli 3 questions of the pile.
haha im supppperrrr lazy,
yesterday my rents scolded me like shit
so i had no mood to go on the com.
super pissed...i tink its been a while since i felt so pissed like shit
yay!im quitting my e-maths tution
now dun have to rush here and there
haha but kinda sad to leave mr foo
hes a great teacher yet im so stupid i cant rmber
any formulas or short cuts he teach.
im actually crying..haha..crying!hah.hes a great teacher trust me
i just didnt pay much...attention at all.
now im starting at base 1 again.
no friends,no nothing empty in a classroom filled with geniouses.
like how i am in class
how depressing can i be?!?!
well have u heard of the other plane crash?
its so sad
i wonder if its due to our earth's gravity pull is weakening
if it is...i tink we all will be in trouble.
h1n1,plane crashes,sucide bombings,nuclear bombs,global warming
its probably just another straw before poof we all are gone.
have we thought about it?
someting worse lurking out there?
worse then tsunamis.earthquakes,tornados.
all these are worse enough
i hope the world will be okay
and nothing more can be done
to hurt this home we all live in.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Super Junior Sorry Sorry Body Odor Parody
cant blog,so leave with this vid to perk up the horrible day we all have almost everyday haha
Sunday, July 19, 2009
finally can use com
urgh i dun understand wuds the use of a laptop
when its not meant to put on ur lap..
i hate this ting!
anyways watched harry potter and the half-blood prince and was bloody disappointed.
i mean it was horrid!
too many love scenes..
and not much action
rather disspointed
seriously i dun get wud laptops are made for
when its not supposed to be put on ur bloody cushion or sumeting.
sigh...yay tonite got goblet of fire..
spot robert pattison and a prize can be won har.
too bad i wont giv u someting nice though
cuz its SO obvious.
he lks better in harry potter then in twilight..
hes to grown up and white in twilight
yea i like white guys,but robert pattison's white is fake..
well imma go.
typing on a ting which is not leveled and too high
make me feel uncomfortable.
and i need to go feed the dog..
its like staring at me with those BIG BIG eyes haha..
so cute!
finally can use com
urgh i dun understand wuds the use of a laptop
when its not meant to put on ur lap..
i hate this ting!
anyways watched harry potter and the half-blood prince and was bloody disappointed.
i mean it was horrid!
too many love scenes..
and not much action
rather disspointed
seriously i dun get wud laptops are made for
when its not supposed to be put on ur bloody cushion or sumeting.
sigh...yay tonite got goblet of fire..
spot robert pattison and a prize can be won har.
too bad i wont giv u someting nice though
cuz its SO obvious.
he lks better in harry potter then in twilight..
hes to grown up and white in twilight
yea i like white guys,but robert pattison's white is fake..
well imma go.
typing on a ting which is not leveled and too high
make me feel uncomfortable.
and i need to go feed the dog..
its like staring at me with those BIG BIG eyes haha..
so cute!
Friday, July 17, 2009
listening to :drift away-uncle kracker/smile-uncle kracker
im home and on the com haha..
have to to do laundry too urgh.
anyho,im eating my lunch too..
i cant believe it but,IM WATCHING HARRY POTTER TODAY!!
i cant wait!!
this weeks had nothing going on.
well next week i tink is going to be a fun week.
i hope.nth too sevre happens.
i just realised how meesy my friggin room is!
i have to go clean clean haha.
today aft skool,
alot of people go home,
so syah,fiona,bryan and me was like
dang lets just take a taxi.
then we were like..hmm..good idea,i mean it would cost less then 10 bucks rite?!?!
and if spilt 4 can mah,
so wait for taxi.
then come taxi we take haha,so damien,wei qiang,jordon the gang
waiting for taxi as well.haha,we just smiled and laughed
they all gave us all sorts of hand signs..haha.
quite cheap from skool to lot 1! veri surprised.
haha well,i tink syah and fiona are now having fun at lot 1
wish i could join them,but im stuck with laundry.haha..
well im gonna go...byez!
im home and on the com haha..
have to to do laundry too urgh.
anyho,im eating my lunch too..
i cant believe it but,IM WATCHING HARRY POTTER TODAY!!
i cant wait!!
this weeks had nothing going on.
well next week i tink is going to be a fun week.
i hope.nth too sevre happens.
i just realised how meesy my friggin room is!
i have to go clean clean haha.
today aft skool,
alot of people go home,
so syah,fiona,bryan and me was like
dang lets just take a taxi.
then we were like..hmm..good idea,i mean it would cost less then 10 bucks rite?!?!
and if spilt 4 can mah,
so wait for taxi.
then come taxi we take haha,so damien,wei qiang,jordon the gang
waiting for taxi as well.haha,we just smiled and laughed
they all gave us all sorts of hand signs..haha.
quite cheap from skool to lot 1! veri surprised.
haha well,i tink syah and fiona are now having fun at lot 1
wish i could join them,but im stuck with laundry.haha..
well im gonna go...byez!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
hi hi!
well here i am again on the com
my main com,the internet is going crazy so i cant sign in to msn
stupid com.
bloody hell and they showed boys over flowers.
if they show stupid jap movies why cant they show rookies tooo!!!
its like a major event in japan,almost on every mgazine
and in singapore its like nothing...NO EFFECT AT ALL!
even at the harry potter gala premire there was no rupert grint,emma watson
nor even daniel radcliffe..
just some stupid commercial on channel 5.
the only person or people hu comes here to promote shows are chinese..
harry potter and the half-blood prince
comes out today.*yay!*
well im so tired..i stayed up late yesterday to finish up SS,,
so im SO exhausted.
tmrw not many people are coming
cuz the flus going arnd..i myslef have terrible coughs in the morning.urgh
arh well,
im gonna go and relax..haha
*p.s im praying i can go watch harry potter and the half-blood prince today
but if i do..im gonna be dead beat.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
crazy about heroes,wish to have just 1 of them..the villan
Listening to:love drunk-boys like girls ;]
yay thanks to a-maths,i can use the com!!!
YESH I ALSO GOT harry potter and the half-blood prince!
so yesterday and today was the trip to ITE.
yesterday was fun,but today was rather boring.
we got to programme bots yesterday!
and if i i got the chance and not in rush of time,
i will post the pics i took on the bus.haha.
today was boring the whole way.,
i will not disclose anyting which happened today
cuz it was well,rather boring or irritating
cuz i was itching to get prisoner of azkaban
which is safely beside me now
away frm my dog..who drools.
of course not until i got to get my hands on DA BOOK!
so happy(>~<)
hope tmrw the light and aura will be betters rather hot..
effect of el nino i see.
haha,well i gtg,
do ACE and some other stuffs before rents come home
eep eep..
must watch!!!i finished watching season 2 yesterday
so tats y my souls like dead today.stayed till 1/2 am haha.
just to see zachary quinto!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
haha surprised to see me onine on msn?
haha i noe i noe ive not been online for quite long.
so,tmrw have to wake up earlier then normal,.,urgh
heroes season 3 is going to be on channel 5...YIPEEE!
i cant wait to see SYLAR!mua haha
tmrw got heroes!yesh,
im gonna juggle season 2 and 3.
currently reading harry potter and the order of the phonix.
haha,i just realised its like the first edition
the paper is turning brownish
like making it lk realli realli old
but actually i had this bk for onli 7 yrs...(-.-)
so i cant wait for hte movie coming up!
well i gtg,
gonna go watch STAR TREK:NEMESIS.
no spock though,so sad..
mayb there'll be william riker..hu noes?
cheryls funny,.ht
e funniest ever..
"when theres a storm rolling
when theres darkness
dun scream for help
when everythings gone
when darkness befriends you
then you will see
how life was so free
full of lurve
full of happiness
when now we are stuck in reality
with every chioce
comes a big responsibility"
Friday, July 10, 2009
ok i havent been updating cuz i lately cant get close to the com.
so mayb to update my blog will be once evry week.
lame rite?
cuz i try to use in the afternoon,but my dad beats me to it
so i cant so call'illegally' use it.
so,this week nothing much happened.
well i fell sick,missed 1 chem lesson
and today was chem lesson and i felt as if i didnt attend chem class for a year!
gosh...dammn chim la.
u noe im starting to like chinese.yay me!
haha so today syah and i did mind-map of each other..
she got many tings rtie..
esp the part where i am crzy abt zachary quinto.. (0.0)
well i gtg.
my dads naggin..
i seriously wish to have a notebook rite now..
tis com used to be mine and now its like as if
im 'banned' frm using MY com..
jeez..get a life man!!cant they just let me use the com for like1/2 an hour!!
mama mia!!!
im so pissed i could break down a 10 feet wall..
well i gtg..
i want to science center..
oh and i need to buy books...
since i cant use the com,
i so bored i can burn the building down.
ok pressure wace number 2 is coming...
haha BYEZ!
ok i havent been updating cuz i lately cant get close to the com.
so mayb to update my blog will be once evry week.
lame rite?
cuz i try to use in the afternoon,but my dad beats me to it
so i cant so call'illegally' use it.
so,this week nothing much happened.
well i fell sick,missed 1 chem lesson
and today was chem lesson and i felt as if i didnt attend chem class for a year!
gosh...dammn chim la.
u noe im starting to like chinese.yay me!
haha so today syah and i did mind-map of each other..
she got many tings rtie..
esp the part where i am crzy abt zachary quinto.. (0.0)
well i gtg.
my dads naggin..
i seriously wish to have a notebook rite now..
tis com used to be mine and now its like as if
im 'banned' frm using MY com..
jeez..get a life man!!cant they just let me use the com for like1/2 an hour!!
mama mia!!!
im so pissed i could break down a 10 feet wall..
well i gtg..
i want to science center..
oh and i need to buy books...
since i cant use the com,
i so bored i can burn the building down.
ok pressure wace number 2 is coming...
haha BYEZ!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Listening to:man in the mirror..
now at home watching the memorial service for MJ.
very sad...i dun noe whether to believe it or not..
the king of pop...gone..
just a month people were waiting to see him in concerts
and now we can only see him in videos and as people say..
it feels as if an era has gone..
so..going away from the subject.
today was a rather uncomfortable day for me.
my running nose kept coming..and coming..urgh!
so had NAFA test today..at least for sit and reach+standing broad jump.
rather disappointed..got lower then last year...
i pray i can push myself for shuttle run..i need to get my aim!!
then during recess played basketball..
how many months had i not played?!?!
it was very fun..but i prob wont play again..
mayb the next time..haha.
well i gtg..
have to finish all me homewrk
and go to sleep b4 12 at least..
i dun wan to worsen my sickness,cuz i dun wanna c a doctor..
im not the type of person hu takes risks...
haha byez!
now at home watching the memorial service for MJ.
very sad...i dun noe whether to believe it or not..
the king of pop...gone..
just a month people were waiting to see him in concerts
and now we can only see him in videos and as people say..
it feels as if an era has gone..
so..going away from the subject.
today was a rather uncomfortable day for me.
my running nose kept coming..and coming..urgh!
so had NAFA test today..at least for sit and reach+standing broad jump.
rather disappointed..got lower then last year...
i pray i can push myself for shuttle run..i need to get my aim!!
then during recess played basketball..
how many months had i not played?!?!
it was very fun..but i prob wont play again..
mayb the next time..haha.
well i gtg..
have to finish all me homewrk
and go to sleep b4 12 at least..
i dun wan to worsen my sickness,cuz i dun wanna c a doctor..
im not the type of person hu takes risks...
haha byez!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
made me laugh so badly..
this is soo cool..my fave character is ron..haha.."bloody hell!"
urgh,im stuck at home and finally able to actually use the com.
so i was tinking mayb i should go to skool today..
but then i started coughing and my mum just ordered me
back to my bed again.
spent yesterday and today drinking bitter medicines
and re-reading harry potter..hehe.
I LURVE reading harry potter.
i read harry potter and the half blood prince yesterday
and i just finished reading harry potter and the deathly hollow just now.
sigh...u noe i miss being in primary skool..
where my soul was still innocent and i do not noe
half the swear wrds i use today when my dictionary falls on my foot.
and how painful it was to have ur teeth taken out.
i still rmbr my grandma trying to take out my tooth via tying
a string to my loose tooth and close the door shut..
thx god i cried b4 she closed the door,if not i dun tink
i would have my jaw today.
ive just been tinking abt my pasts..
yeah its long ago but it was fun and less stressful compared to now.
i hate the fact i noe more tings..
cuz knowing more tings always leads to trouble.
anyways i gtg..
i tink my dads coming back soon and i want to finish reading
a fan-fic im reading now b4 he gets back so..
haha bye!
dun wry btw,im going back to skool tmrw..definately
with a healthy body..
no more slimy tissue papers for me!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
something i love yet dread for once a year has happened.
i am officially sick.
of all times it had to be now.
im so sad..i pray its nothing serious and i feel fine for now..
not sure if i should go skool tmrw..but i bet u my rents will want me to go.
anyways yesterday was fun.
i travelled from yew tee to jurong east to bugis..
long but fun.
i got lost in my own country,got drenched and had to buy an umbrella cuz it was so bad.
oh and i got to thank syahfiqah hu saved my life..
i seriously got lost and had no idea how to go..
after i went to NAFA,i walked again in the damn rain to cathay
where i was made to wait for my parents hu were drinking coffee at starbucks.
and lemme tell u tis..i dun like starbucks..
extrmely expensive drinks,yet it dosent taste nice..
then walked to the bus stop,cuz my dad didnt drive yesterday
freezed my ass off in the bus.then got home..bathed
but the water aint hot..i seriously was in the worse yesterday.
i was sick form yesterday and todays the worse.
i dun even feel like walkin..urgh.
i might not go to skool tmrw..still not sure.
haha well,i hope i recover by today.
thx god todays a holiday..i seriously have to thank him.
of all days of being sick,i was chosen to fall sick yesterday and todays a holiday haha.
well i gtg pack my room..its in a mess and i have to iron my skool uniform..urgh
haha byEcha
something i love yet dread for once a year has happened.
i am officially sick.
of all times it had to be now.
im so sad..i pray its nothing serious and i feel fine for now..
not sure if i should go skool tmrw..but i bet u my rents will want me to go.
anyways yesterday was fun.
i travelled from yew tee to jurong east to bugis..
long but fun.
i got lost in my own country,got drenched and had to buy an umbrella cuz it was so bad.
oh and i got to thank syahfiqah hu saved my life..
i seriously got lost and had no idea how to go..
after i went to NAFA,i walked again in the damn rain to cathay
where i was made to wait for my parents hu were drinking coffee at starbucks.
and lemme tell u tis..i dun like starbucks..
extrmely expensive drinks,yet it dosent taste nice..
then walked to the bus stop,cuz my dad didnt drive yesterday
freezed my ass off in the bus.then got home..bathed
but the water aint hot..i seriously was in the worse yesterday.
i was sick form yesterday and todays the worse.
i dun even feel like walkin..urgh.
i might not go to skool tmrw..still not sure.
haha well,i hope i recover by today.
thx god todays a holiday..i seriously have to thank him.
of all days of being sick,i was chosen to fall sick yesterday and todays a holiday haha.
well i gtg pack my room..its in a mess and i have to iron my skool uniform..urgh
haha byEcha
Friday, July 3, 2009
today another kinda pissed day.
but i dun want to talk abt it,cuz it just frustrates me
anyways nothing much to type cuz today was liek a day with no lesson.
from 10:20 we we re doing preperations for spring carnival..
the skool gila,want us to go skool at 8.30 tmrw.
wah how to wake up?1?
anyways im listening to lost prophets and its so nice..the song 4:am forever.
so today i watched the AYG.(FINALLY)
i watched athletics..the one i always wanted to see.
wah the high jump is so nice..the korea one not bad,
but his ankle hit the pole and also his butt is big...also keep hitting the pole.
(kerencia is going to kill me when she see this ^)
then during the process i was talking with kerencia hu was there at the site!
i SO envy her! somemore can take picture with hot guys...
haha..anyways.watched the basketball match between japan and sri lanka..
i didnt noe japan had girls basketball team..DAAAAMMMMNNN pro wan lehx!
haha well i gtg..playing facebook then need sleep sigh..
"do you feel a piece missing in your life?
because i do and it was you.
we never worked out
but i really love you
a kiss is all i want
cuz ive been saving it for you
i like you,but do you like me back?
do you tnk about me when im not around?
do you look at me when im laughing or when i fall?
do feel the feelings i feel everyday for you?
waiting and waiting when you will swipe me off my feet
and kiss me like pictures of the movie screen
will you be there when im sad now?
like you did when we were together.
i still remember the last laugh and love.
i just want to say to you..just one word.
-to cheryl..i noe its hard,persevre and he will noe what hes missing"
(p.s i just sneezed 3 times..loud somemore..i tink my neighvour thought someting exploded in my house..i wonder hus talking abt me..hmph)
today another kinda pissed day.
but i dun want to talk abt it,cuz it just frustrates me
anyways nothing much to type cuz today was liek a day with no lesson.
from 10:20 we we re doing preperations for spring carnival..
the skool gila,want us to go skool at 8.30 tmrw.
wah how to wake up?1?
anyways im listening to lost prophets and its so nice..the song 4:am forever.
so today i watched the AYG.(FINALLY)
i watched athletics..the one i always wanted to see.
wah the high jump is so nice..the korea one not bad,
but his ankle hit the pole and also his butt is big...also keep hitting the pole.
(kerencia is going to kill me when she see this ^)
then during the process i was talking with kerencia hu was there at the site!
i SO envy her! somemore can take picture with hot guys...
haha..anyways.watched the basketball match between japan and sri lanka..
i didnt noe japan had girls basketball team..DAAAAMMMMNNN pro wan lehx!
haha well i gtg..playing facebook then need sleep sigh..
"do you feel a piece missing in your life?
because i do and it was you.
we never worked out
but i really love you
a kiss is all i want
cuz ive been saving it for you
i like you,but do you like me back?
do you tnk about me when im not around?
do you look at me when im laughing or when i fall?
do feel the feelings i feel everyday for you?
waiting and waiting when you will swipe me off my feet
and kiss me like pictures of the movie screen
will you be there when im sad now?
like you did when we were together.
i still remember the last laugh and love.
i just want to say to you..just one word.
-to cheryl..i noe its hard,persevre and he will noe what hes missing"
(p.s i just sneezed 3 times..loud somemore..i tink my neighvour thought someting exploded in my house..i wonder hus talking abt me..hmph)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
back from skool..
everyday is so tiring.
heng tis week's pe do nth.
next week weds NAFA test somemore on tat day gt pe..die.
anyways tmrw going to be a rather long day too..
i must sleep well today.
wah dun noe why today so boring..
during chem my whole feelings just went down..like
i didnt want to do anyting i jusy felt terrible.
could be the bone i swallowed yesterday...but im not sure.
during physics i wrote a song and during chem
i drew another spock.haha.
sigh.oh u noe what i want right now?
ELASTIC HEADBANDS and jelly bracelets.
but i dun noe whr sell elastic headbands though i noe whr sell jelly bracelets..
mayb i buy from cindy i duno.
i heard forever 21 sells elastic headbands..but im not sure.
I NEED CLOTHES! my clothes are all terrible.
mayb next time im going to call davita or cheryl or some help.
i need to wear more uh hum..femine.and they both were liek me
but now became so nice..ok i have no idea wud im saying.
cuz i tnk my brain still has water from just now.hmmm...
anyways i gtg.
i need a nap..too tired..slept at 12 last night doing chem and hist.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

haha,well just back from BPP
went to eat long john with lydia,fiona and yiling.
we talk talk..then we went hyper..like SUPERRR HYPER..
i dun noe wud sparked it,but we just kept laughing and laughing.
got a bunch of malay students also form my skool.
over there say 'diam la'.urgh so wudevar lor.
as if u never talk like tis before.
1 girl all other boys..aiyo.
we were just having fun leh..like tat cannot meh?
but yiling,lydia and fiona over there talk back at them
aiya..i dun care le lah...noisy noisy lor..
dun care lor.
today skool was rather boring.
i spent last night designing the poster 4 my class's event in spring carnival..
im so happy cheryl and jaslyn are coming!!
ahh well,im tired now and i just want to sleep.
but i had to touch the computer so....
haha,i am touching it! ok it sounded bad..
anyways!!im was bored during the first day of skool
so i drew some stuffs..i just planned on putting them up here..haha
oh im not going to be online often as my parents
now became high tech..(might i add the 'VERY' too)
and have facebook and blog. please add them okay?
on facebook..ask me for the user i give u...sigh..
now i no more computer to use..jeez..
haha well bye!
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