ate dinner with family..aint tat great?
it was nice..
even my dog had a nice dinner -.-//
oh well. haha

granny came over for dinner..
and i had to take 2 days to clear my room -.-
it was hell...i havent cleared my room for like
2 mths..haha
went to orchard to walk around..
went to espirit..got nice pair of jeans!harhar
thn walk to hereen and bought cds..
yay!more to add to my ever much CD collection
thn went to meijia to go to kinnokunia
buy COMICS!!
veri nice neh! i bought nodame cantibile..gona start collecting!!

nth happend
my parents went to orchard again to buy some stuff...
they got me a ncie jacket..but im not sure whn i'll wear it...
so tat abt the whole few days..
wana noe wud i got 4 christmas?
well i gt a black tank top -.- and a toy which has the same name as me
frm my rents.
a pen frm my uncle
a blue girly shirt fvrm my neighbour
and i dun noe my aunts present yet..haha
well tats all bye!!
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