1. Do you have any secrets?
ehh....ya tink?
2. Would you fall in love with a boy?
heck i duno...
3. Do you like going to school?
hm...not realli,cuz its boring and all i do is sleep and b emo..
4. What would you do with $100000000?
bring my grandma and parents to japan..to see my grandparents there
and thn buy those musical instruments i want.
5. What's your view towards love?
its someting which makes one feel like shit
6. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone?
hmmm...i duno...
7. How long would you be willing to wait for someone you love?
WHY ARE THERE SUCH QUES?aint my life bad enough FOR U PEOPLE!!
8. Is the person you love is NOT attached, what will you do?
nothing...sit and watch do nothing.
9. Is there anything that makes you happy?
music..and music instruments
10. What makes you angry?
you and ur silly crazy love ques...im strangling u now..*strangles*
11. How would you see yourself in TEN years?
hmm..hw old will i b..oh 4 yrs old! wait 24! hmm..A FEMALE GUITARIST!!
12. Who is currently MORE important to you?
its more thn one..my parents and grandma and overseas grandparents..
13. What is the MOST important to you?
14. What if your best friends dropped in the sea and did not know how to swim, what would you do?
ask a cute life-guard to save them..they can thx me later..
15. What is your favourite colours?
blue,grey,red,white...btw,its 'are'
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
17. If your ex hurts you badly and wants you back, what will you do?
i am feeling stupid every passing minute on tis ques.
18. How do you feel like now?
pissed thxs to u...i feel like a nobody
19. Love or like?
20. Who tagged you?
oh a veri nice friend of mine..CHERYL *GROWLS*
21. How is your relationship with her?
best frens for 4 yrs now..if im not wrong..hey dun lk at me
like tat..i dun like counting dates..
22. Impressions of her?
23. The most memorable thing that she has done for me?
being ym fren
24. Pass this quiz to 10 ppl who are linked.
1. cheryl
2. pearlyn
3. cheng siew
4. yiling
5. kerenxia
6. syaa
7. minq
8. peiqi
9. wei qiang
10. the new year mascot..
1. Who is no. 6?
uh..a human hus in my class?
2. Are no. 2 and no. 3 dated?
uh no...if they did..wont they be like les..OMG!!
3. What is no. 3?
a type of bao...JK JK! a human and a fren
4. When was the last time you had a chat with no. 8?
uh just now?
5. Which band does no. 9 like?
im nt sure abt band..singer ..wang lee hom..harhar
6. Does no. 1 have siblings?
7. Would you like to woo no. 3?
wud NO!im no les missy or manssy...huever made tis quiz
8. How about no. 7?
9. Is no. 4 attached?
10. What is the full name of no. 5?
kerencia xia ming xian...i tink..i duno!!OMG I DUNO!!!
11. What is the hobby of no. 1?
music and drumming..bt currently watcing dvds..haha
12. Where is no. 2 studying?
methodist girls'
13. Where does no. 3 live?
14. What colour does no. 10 like?
red for chinese,any other bright colour for english
15. Are no. 1 and 9 best friends?
they dun noe each other and nvr will...
16. Does no. 10 has pets?
yea...its shapped as a wine bottle..1 more shapped as a party hat
17. is no. 5 sexy?
3 times dude...I TOLD U I NO LES!
18. What is no. 8 doing?
playing maple or basketball..
so tats the
END of the quiz..
tonight gona go watch bedtime stories..spend my last few days of hols in a happy way..