wuds up people
been a while since i blogged
today nothing much
did amaths
seemed like 2 mornings of amaths haha
cuz sat went to skool for amths then today tution.
sigh boring
tmrw monday theres history
after wud happend on friday i really dun wan to go for class
sounds scary super scary
nothing much in the news,
now im addicted to mazeltov haha ZE:A not bad
their latest song all day long i think
is ot bad
just that their vid just really really look like
crows zero
i love that movie
i like those japanese 'yakuza' high skool fight scene
like crows zero and rookies though its not fighting but
i liek those kind of shows..
cant believe got TEAM BATISTA 2! cant believe i missed it
gonna buy DVD when it comes out.
im gonna go
next time im bloggin would be a friday or sat
where i would blog how depressed i am
cuz i couldnt get the ticks for the zuno showcase and
i wont be able to see him at a fanmeet at imm
well im off to watch more vids
before 10..
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
what sweet melodius memories will u share?
Listening to:Hillchryme-春夏秋冬/Weaver-hard to say i love you/B2ST-Take Care of My Girlfriend ,Say No!
im sorry my blogs kinda dead right now...
i rarely blog nowadays
im more of twitter
so u see my twitter updates are way more frequent then my blog updates
its so fascinating...twitter..haha
i've recently been into drama haha
well fine only one which is called sunao ni narenakute/hard to say i love you
i have mentioned it ALOT in my pass posts
and i finally watched it last week cuz it started last week thurs
hwaa~ super nice la!
but there werent eng subs
so..hee..sorry ker. but then i found one today so
i posted it to u on twitter ;]
well why i like this drama
1)its abt my fav thing...TWITTER!
2)it stars EITA!! and jaejoong haha
wah impressed by jaejoong's acting
his japanese improved as well
so wow..really..jaejoong..GAMBATE~!
he also spoke korean..
i just watch ep 2 last nite and well today
i watched it 'live' yesterday but wasnt clear..
but i realised jaejoong's character 'doctor' speaks at least
1 korean word or sentence..haha
but sigh 'doctor' is a really sad character so innocent yet sad..
he really acts well sia...
anyways skool was boring as well
stress over coursework
i kinda ruined my 1st board
sucky siol.
well imma go listen to songs
Thursday, April 15, 2010
on restless nights like these,the key is to not sleep :]
well felt like bloggin so ta-dah here i am
well today skool was really ineffective and inefficient
in simple terms super-uber-duper-friggin boring
excuse me if i use chim words cuz i just sent 1.5 hrs doing my history
the terms such as thus,hence,therefore,however is still stuck in my head
and of course information on stalin..
sia la..i really cannot read what the teacher write at the sidelines sia
then somemore suddenly cut page wtf ~.~
heard the news yet?
skool almost kana burn down haha
the it lab near GO caught fire
i heard is the aircon kana.
haha,syah they all lucky sia can experience the excitement haha
thought it was a HUGE deal tht tmrw dun need go skool
in the end so small. =.=
thought mayb tmrw they wan investigate the cause of fire
so skool close
in the end such a small ting only sigh.
only get my hopes high
sigh these day not only is the world news depressing and really sad
but also the entertainment news
especially on DBSK
it seems that jaechunsu had signed a contract with avex
to make a unit.
im not sure what a unit means(my english is not that pro hor got listen to how i spoke
during english oral today..it was hilarious :] )
but i think its like a group?
then sm wants to sue the 3 and stuff
super depressing.
but on the other hand bright news about them
minho of shinee was mistaken to be changmin's girlfriend on a jap gossip mag
due to his long hair..HILARIOUS!haha
when i read the news,i laughed damn hard.
then yunho, the MV he starred in is out..for J.Rich's goodbye my love
kinda sad,will post here too
but yunho looks cool and handsome here <>
you know no matter what happens i think
dbsk fans should just,as many people say this,always keep the faith
even zuno says this in his song,..speaking of zuno
comic connection selling his tickets sia..but its friggin ex~!
i have no money..well i have but im saving it for some equipments
anyho back to the stuff i was talking b4
i see alot of fans saying they are disappointed,angry and stuff but
i guess we have to accept their choices right?
we have to be optimistic,mayb after everythings settled
they'll have a comeback..the 5 of them
who knows,the future is fixed yet some waves hit it to make it unseen and unpredictable
well im gonna go..
gonna find a nice set of chem notes
nites ~~
Sunday, April 11, 2010
hey hey~
yoochun so cute:]...
well here to blog again
super bored.
just went through some news and got fad up
seriousy news are always so depressing
the latest news is the death of 96 people in a plane crash
including the president of poland
i think its one of the most devastating news so far
but then there was the earthquake in haiti etc.
why cant the world be in peace?
a world where mayb there wont be a need of news anymore.
cuz we have nothing to report on
or at least news wont be so depressing...
but i guess the worlds like that
but i pray/hope one day the world will have no war..no accidents..no intentional deaths
ok steering clear from the depressing stuffs
im watching hairspray now..nothing on
went to buy 2 new books today :]
if not maybe i would die of boredom in skool...
speaking of skool i havent done a single homewrk!
this weeks gonna be a busy week
it will be a miracle if i can even squeeze some time for myself
super stressed over art
im worried i fail it terribly
ahh~i saw a cute picture of yoochun and yunho haha
changmins so skinny on toki wo tomete and the pic from toho-mobile.
i read frm dbsk knights..that site is really awesome
i looked for the ANAN mag at kinnokunia today
sad never sell
but there was at least 5 mags on dbsk
this includes english,chinese and japanese.
there was 2 books on them.1 english and 1 japanese...
well im gonna go
leave u a pic i like
im sorry but credits go dbsk knights and toho-mobile :}

Saturday, April 10, 2010
今天我用华文写一个post 看看
放strawberry jam在里面。。很好吃
可是我用电脑看super junior 和tvxq
Friday, April 9, 2010
listening to: 到了明天-SJM and do you want to dance
Listening to:到了明天-SJM/ Do You Wanna Dance-陳偉霆/M (Minwoo) - Girlfriend
7 more days~~!>
well nothing much went on this week
it was super boring though it went past really fast
kinda got caught up with life
everyday got physics and english
at night 10-1/2am use laptop
then go sleep abt 2am the lastest was almost 3am haha
well today nothing much too no PE
sad sia,i wanted to do shuttle run
felt like playing basketball?
at least some form of excercise
then came home early
ate last night spaghetti and my grandma's bean soup
so long never eat sia
had a quiet lunch as i watched TV nothing much
kinda pissed that the first vid i had to watch was beaver's
but changed it to KBS and watched the drama
aft that 3.45 slept till 4.30
played with music again,watch JK hits and TVN fm
got ready for class and walked there...
while in tution cuz my tution is like 1 to 1 wan
i was asking him abt probability and my phone started vibrating
i felt super uneasy la
then my cher was like" understand?"
i was like " uh um cher but why is this like this uh why cant it be uh like hmm that?"
i was like stammering the whole way..
vibrated twice sia
3rd time was msg and i got a shock i hit da desk then my teacher shock ask
"what are you doing?" i was like nothing nothing nothing haha
super retarded..
then came home watch vids.. watched
背后的故事 of SJ-M
so nice la! haha
learnt the phrase 生死之交
i could be that friend,i mean though the phrase means a friend who would die for you
it need not be die for you but
you know always be there when you need them that in danger they will be behind you
i think thats what friends are about.helping each other and be there when you need them and vice-versa
but i think i havent been a good friend and im sorry..
but i will do my best to be a good friend :]
well im off to sleep cuz waking up early tmrw
hee~ someones coming over
well im gonna go :]
☆★P.S 下 次我想使使看用华做blog
请你告诉我 ★☆
Monday, April 5, 2010
ordinary day super boring day
sigh well 1st day of like the 3 days short break
very uber boring
luckily e-maths there wasnt any teacher
gave me more time to read my book
the class was super noisy
i was asking Lyd to teach me amaths
but KD and BR kept shouting cant ta-han
so screamed at them 2 times somemore
im sorry i think somethings coming soon :[
then amaths first period didnt understand a thing
i was telling lyd abt it during class
but i was just fascinated that i can acutally understand such
complicated stuff
today i my brain was not working so all i saw was numbers and alphabets :]
then recess slack
art super depressed cuz we canot hear our mp3 anymore
i understand the HP rule but i dun understand y we are not allowed to bring our mp3 :[
after thats chem...couldnt keep my eyes open
cher kept looking at me
i have no idea what is organic chem and its only alkanes and alkenes.
look like i need to spend more time on it
after that mother tongue
wrote super neat :D
gonna brush up on my compo later..
=.= tution @ like 6
why oh why must my teacher come back now?
i had so much fun not going for tution :[
well i better grab my stuffs and watch tv plus make coffee
Sunday, April 4, 2010
sigh...its our turn to stand by u guys

SOOOooo hi
not feeling well now
kinda feel really sad
heard the news well not heard but read thanks to ker hu sent me a link
dbsk is gonna suspend their group activities to further notice
till then they are focusing on solo activities
at least u noe they are gonna get some rest
but aint it sad?
i mean the fans are sad but isnt it worse for the group?
how many years have they lived together under one roof
all of a sudden u are like living alone in a house
aint that hard...
this kinda made me wish i liked them before well long before
its so weird
i had their 'T' album as a b'day present frm my pri skool fren
i think in '08 or '07 i dun noe
but at that time i didnt noe them..
but then in 2009 i was in japan for a funeral
and i heard stand by you on the tv
and it was so nice i cried watching..
luckily my parents slept already~
after that when i came back started to listen more of them
fell in love with another song then another haha
sigh well i wish the members good luck in their solo activities
and hope they would see it as a break and they'll get back together
as i think it would a waste to let them stay solo forever
they sound better as a group
with junsu's cold humor joke,yoochun's retarted personality,jaejoong's motherly figure,changmin hungary somehow and yunho's fatherly manner in the group
they sound better really..
well for now,
yunho i think should have finished his 'this is it' performances
jaejoong is filming his drama sunao ni narenakute or in eng 'hard to say i love you'
changmin's filming his drama paradise meadow
junsu is touring arnd asia with his brother junho or ZUNO to promote
they are coming to singapore soon too sad can t go...
no money im just a normal student okay
im not that crazy to spend a ton of money to meet them or stalk them
seriously..thats just creepy..from what i hear from shinee showcase thing
i kinda pity them... anyways i noe its nice to meet ur fave singers and idols but
aint stalking a bit too much?they are people too ya noe
ANYWAYS moving on...
junsu is also goin to release his own jap solo single
hope to hear it..
finally yoochun, read it somewhere again
hes gonna film a drama in june for bee tv not sure of the tittle but
wish them all luck :]
well tmrws skool =.=
so homeworks to be done is a must.. ==.==
new timetable pls dun forget peeps
and pls...i hate my new bag
dun make fun...im not gonna be in a good mood so
i repeat..DUN MAKE FUN! if nt i'll say ur zipper's down!
ciao ciao :D
Friday, April 2, 2010
The day i went out and got really tired~

Hi *waves*
today was really tiring
as i got dragged out of bed at 10.30
when i snuggled into bed at arnd 4.30 on the same day
went down to eat roti prata then off to start a really tiring day..
first went to BP to do my glasses
i decided to go with a red framed glasses
i dun think i would be wearing it to skool
but see how first
then went to VIVO after that..
saw this big big version of the official world cup ball
got super excited over it
took picture of it haha
then went to ceds said hi to the person
my helping of dad over the holidays
allowed me to know people
saw this purple bag not bad luh
so bought it so i could just get it over and done with
i seriously didnt want such a branded bag..
i hope nobody notices..cuz really..its..sigh~
hope my books go in..hee..it is kinda small
but seeing how the books can go in to my classmates's bags
whos average bag is half of my old bag
i think this can fit my books too
after that went to my fave hang out place
me jia they were having this flower arranging thingy
quite nice
went to the book store wanted to buy bakuman but didnt
bought a magazine and a book to read
i was despo for a book cuz i didnt want to keep reading the same old book
and it was a book i wanted to buy so..YAY~
then went to buy DVDs bought jap la
wanted to buy 'iris' but only part 1 SOoooo
then i saw they sold like fake SJ-m, tvxq cds haha not really fake la but
u noe its not really real too?
after that went to CHINATOWN long time never go there sia
i think i enjoyed being there the most.
so nice so peaceful and the temple was awesome
oh and i saw something shocking~!
i was walking then i saw a CD shop liek those at pasar malams
they had a TVXQ poster on the wall!
i was like eh?that looks like yoochun.omg! its tvxq~~!
after chinatown went to MARINA BARRAGE
man it was awesome
even thought it was friggin hot,
it was windy and seeing the kites flying in the sky
never felt so contented
i really wanna fly kite there next time :]
after that went adam road to eat
then went back to BP to giv more info about my glasses.
then came home arnd 7..
took a damn nice bath
very long too
was thinking again as usual
maybe i should spend more time with my parents
i dont know..it dosent feel right going out with them
but being the only kid for them i guess i have to rite?
anyways gonna go..this post is getting way too long haha
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