Listening To:Gotta find you-joe jonas/killin me-faber drive
well ive been emoing tis whole weekend and didnt feel like blogging..
you know since this year started i realised i changed alot..
i became lazier,i dun feel like hanging out anymore.
i rather stay at home thn go out..
i dun want to play sports,i just want my music and books
i dun even have the mood to draw..i find it tiring..
haha,gosh whats happening to me?im getting lamer too..
ahh well,anyways watching camp rock now
though i dun realli like jonas brothers..i only like the lyrics of their songs.
the voice not too much..i wonder if they are the ones hu write those lyrics
if they impressed..guys like them can write realli well.
anyways i've got nth to write so imma just gonna go..
prob surf the net,facebook and stuff haha.
sigh tmrw got to go to skool..june holidays do not seem liek a holiday
when its sec 3
"when you smile is it real?
when you laugh is it real?
when you cry is it real?
do think about your thoughts?
is my pressance real?
does my words to you seem real?
or am i just invisible
like a restless ghost banging on your walls?
or music you just dun want to hear?
must i be a superhero to make you notice me?
or a superstar to be you shinning star?
cuz im just so ordinary
that you dont notice me"
-some junk inspired by camp rock and a fan fic i wrote haha-
(P.S congrats to gerard way of my chemical romance for being a new father!!) (^~^)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Listening to: falling slowy-kris allen/dont gimme that-aloha from hell
ahhh so sad!
my life is like runied! i have no june holidays!!
today got tution so canot go to barbeque,tmrw i cant go to cheryls
cuz my marks were so horrid im officially grounded on weekends
i am SO dead!
next week i have skool,the week after also got skool,
buti cant get comfortable yet,cuz confirm art club and art lessons
are gonna call us go back skool,then i still have to study for term 3
plus tution..ahhhh,no break!
i guess this is all for next year? sigh
i find it utterly no ise..why is there such tings as money and jobs and face
i mean jeez...studies good,but sometimes i wish
it nvr exsisted,or i wish it wasnt so stressful..
im so urgh!!pissed..ahh well
i guess this is the life yeah?
anyways today nothing much la
last period like free period,
cuz suppposed to disscuss tings but of course just talk lor
thn during e-maths write letter,rush to do filing
during chem we watched walace and gromit(sp?)
haha so funnie,
sigh well i gtg,
need to prepare go tution and not barbeque..i wish i could go..
i realli wish..i guess last year june was my 1st and last (-.-)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
haha hey !
it seems like i havent written for a long time..
but u all shld usually noe i would just write abt star trek and stuff but hu cares..
btw theres tis navigating ting on my link page so c it if u want..
anyways i went down just now to buy food and chocolate for miss anisah..
thn so hot wa lau..i also obught my fave strawberry yogurt drink
but i shld hav bought sweet talk.
haha now im watching JONAS the tv series on disney..
its so funny..u can see the acting sucks but still hilarious..
i like the funnie..especially episode 2
they remake their home vids haha
joe jonas is cute..haha,
ok mayb not but his hair..i want..not literelly
but the hairstyle i want ok..
haha,well imma gonna watch more,
or go read fan-fics,
yep im into it again.
well 6pm,im gonna go see star trek:the next generation so haha
buh byex!
it seems like i havent written for a long time..
but u all shld usually noe i would just write abt star trek and stuff but hu cares..
btw theres tis navigating ting on my link page so c it if u want..
anyways i went down just now to buy food and chocolate for miss anisah..
thn so hot wa lau..i also obught my fave strawberry yogurt drink
but i shld hav bought sweet talk.
haha now im watching JONAS the tv series on disney..
its so funny..u can see the acting sucks but still hilarious..
i like the funnie..especially episode 2
they remake their home vids haha
joe jonas is cute..haha,
ok mayb not but his hair..i want..not literelly
but the hairstyle i want ok..
haha,well imma gonna watch more,
or go read fan-fics,
yep im into it again.
well 6pm,im gonna go see star trek:the next generation so haha
buh byex!
Monday, May 25, 2009
ok so skool was okay
english we were supposed to borrow 2 book s for review.
i cant believe CSI was not allowed..huh im so sad,
but still i borrowed it.
since i finished reading star trek and am bored,
i just borrowed it.
this morning i was talking to syah they all abt nite @ the museum.
i was so surprised THE JONAS BROTHERS were the cupids!
i just laughed uncontrollably.haha,i mean come one..the jo bros are the cupids!!haha..
so retarded.
anyways nth much the rest of the day,
but during art class we were shown a vid on mona lisa and the secrects in it
leonardo was a rather secretive person..
mayb he was just insecure abt anyting..i wonder if his background was the reason
he lost trust..ahh well,tats for him to noe and for us to find out ah well.
well i have written wat i want,so im gonna go hehe..
bye bye!
ok so skool was okay
english we were supposed to borrow 2 book s for review.
i cant believe CSI was not allowed..huh im so sad,
but still i borrowed it.
since i finished reading star trek and am bored,
i just borrowed it.
this morning i was talking to syah they all abt nite @ the museum.
i was so surprised THE JONAS BROTHERS were the cupids!
i just laughed uncontrollably.haha,i mean come one..the jo bros are the cupids!!haha..
so retarded.
anyways nth much the rest of the day,
but during art class we were shown a vid on mona lisa and the secrects in it
leonardo was a rather secretive person..
mayb he was just insecure abt anyting..i wonder if his background was the reason
he lost trust..ahh well,tats for him to noe and for us to find out ah well.
well i have written wat i want,so im gonna go hehe..
bye bye!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
i hate my phone its soo..utterly slow!
i want to read messages and AH! finally its done!
anyways just came back from my grandma's hse.
yesterday was her birthday,thn we went to her hse to celebrate today.
i spent my time reading some chinese fairytale bk to her. so happy got han yu pin ying
if not i wouldnt noe how to read some words!
anways hehe i've read the star trek book 4 times and im planning of reading it again
its realli funny, seriously..its hilarious,i wonder if our IMAX have star trek
if it does, I WANA WATCH IT AGAIN!
ahh well,im going mad, lemme tell u the truth
i didnt realli like star trek,im more of a star wars fan
but this book and this movie changed my mindset on these tings..
compare star wars:revenge of the sith with star trek the movie
i tink star trek will win just by 1% he he.
well im tired so im gonna sleep,
ive been risking sleep for 2 days as ive been awake making stories.
hehe well,i gtg
i hate my phone its soo..utterly slow!
i want to read messages and AH! finally its done!
anyways just came back from my grandma's hse.
yesterday was her birthday,thn we went to her hse to celebrate today.
i spent my time reading some chinese fairytale bk to her. so happy got han yu pin ying
if not i wouldnt noe how to read some words!
anways hehe i've read the star trek book 4 times and im planning of reading it again
its realli funny, seriously..its hilarious,i wonder if our IMAX have star trek
if it does, I WANA WATCH IT AGAIN!
ahh well,im going mad, lemme tell u the truth
i didnt realli like star trek,im more of a star wars fan
but this book and this movie changed my mindset on these tings..
compare star wars:revenge of the sith with star trek the movie
i tink star trek will win just by 1% he he.
well im tired so im gonna sleep,
ive been risking sleep for 2 days as ive been awake making stories.
hehe well,i gtg
Saturday, May 23, 2009
"currently active blogger mozster reporting for duties!"
haha ok,i am currently going outta my mind.
so today i went to takashimaya since my mom wanted to buy angels and demons
which was literelly sold out at most shops,and we only found one set when we were thr.
i was bored so i like just walked one whole round..tat place lemme tell ya is like a maze.
unlike the kinokuniya at liang court..its huge (0.0)
using my hong bao money i save to buy books and cds,
i bought heros (volume 2,the comic) and STAR TREK!!
yess i bought the book for star trek..hehe.
its rather interguing.the words they use are out of the world
but still findable in my dictionary haha.
its SO nice..some nice parts were cut out of the movie...wasted.
spock seriously is one cool guy..haha,
no emotions and so cool ok i am going mad
as i were when twilight was first released (^~^)
yesterday i took a bus with my rents to watch night @the museum
it was hilarious,i liked the cupids and bobble head einstein..
they sang the jobros song lovebug
ahh well,im tinking of buying heros season 3 dvd..but im not sure whr to hide it.
i prob buy supernatural dvd too,but i
heck i tink i'll save money and buy adam's cd hehe.
well i gtg,im writing storys and i just had a brilliant one
hehe bye!
Friday, May 22, 2009

hey! alot of people nvr come
tats whn i thought damn shouldve faked stomache cramp,
cuz i was tired frm watching american idol to heros last night..
heros yesterday i thought was finally the last episode but no. theres gonna be a season 4
i believe..its ok,so long sylar aka zac quinto(finally noe his name!!) is in the show..claire(the cheerleader)'s hair so totally doesnt match her image.. makes her lk liek shes 15 hehe.
ohhh so the performance last night. ADAM IS COOOOLLL!! he reminds me of freddie mecury whn he and kris sang we are the champions.. HE EVEN SANG WITH KISS!!i mean its KISS!! i love his costume he wore whn he sang with kiss(^~^)
anyways today classes in the morning were boring,
but english,miss junaidah like nvr come so slack one period.
then chemistry we mixed mixtures to see what pH value they would give and see if they are acid or alkaline.
and the colours were so pretty.
especially when i mixed sodium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid oh and plus water..
it gave 3 kinds of colours (>.<)
listening to interview with adam and kris on 98.7!hehe.
ahh well imma leave with a vid of adam lambert..YAY!
and pics i took from chem..i couldnt resist taking (*~*)
(p.s adam lambert made me want to become a broadway actor haha)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
your next American IDOL
just back from skool.
sorry fiona, couldnt go and celebrate ur b'day
i guess physics realli just brought me down..
i would also like to say HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY FIONA!
sigh,these few days ive been toturing myself
i noe ive failed so many subjects, but i kinda failed too many
i reall i dunnoe how to face my parents after tis.
i havent told them my results..if i do, they'll be sad
and i hate them being sad..i duno wud to do..realli.
anyways,not talking about tis..
im super uber sadder because ADAM LAMBERT lost the tittle.
but hey nvm,2nd runner ups always do better thn the champion haha.
congratulation to KRIS ALLEN!
i just reheard the whole no boundaries song by adam lambert and
now i tink adam rocks more at it.(^~^)
btw,saw star trek a few days ago..haha it was SO awesome..
i like spock, AKA the guy hu did sylar.
i noe sylar's the bad guy in heros,but he is just an awesome 'bad guy' actor.
hehe,sylars real name is too long and ocmplicated so i dun wanna write haha
ive decided to re-watch HEROS again haha.i tink imma gona watch tonight.
well, i gtg, probably go wonder what am i gonna do in life next.
sigh.really dun noe what to do..
Thursday, May 14, 2009
u noe why im so so so so sooooooo excited?!?!
but now im fretting over my marks..
i have a feeling im gona fail my e-maths,a-maths,chinese
possibly fail english,art,physics and chem
i only have a tad bit of confidence in passing history and social studies haha
sigh so suay la tis mid year..
anyways i've got 4 days of holiday so yay!!
better enjoy it now b4 i get scoldings for the whole of next week frm tues onwards..
btw,wud week is nxt week?odd or even?i forgot!
yesterday i studied so hard on definations for physics and today onli 2 ques come out on it.
so i was so sleepy during the test..i am STILL tired..haha
went to BBP aft the physics test wit lydia,syah and fiona,thn we send fiona bac to skool
for her POA exam,thn on the way bac we were changing english name to chinese,
like syafiqah= sha-fi-ge
or bryan=ber-lai-yen
haha and me? momoko= mao mao gou
well tats all for today im gona eat!!!im startving..serisouly i ate alot..too much tis week!
i tink i gained 5kg haha..yea whn i eat..i eat ALOT haha
u noe why im so so so so sooooooo excited?!?!
but now im fretting over my marks..
i have a feeling im gona fail my e-maths,a-maths,chinese
possibly fail english,art,physics and chem
i only have a tad bit of confidence in passing history and social studies haha
sigh so suay la tis mid year..
anyways i've got 4 days of holiday so yay!!
better enjoy it now b4 i get scoldings for the whole of next week frm tues onwards..
btw,wud week is nxt week?odd or even?i forgot!
yesterday i studied so hard on definations for physics and today onli 2 ques come out on it.
so i was so sleepy during the test..i am STILL tired..haha
went to BBP aft the physics test wit lydia,syah and fiona,thn we send fiona bac to skool
for her POA exam,thn on the way bac we were changing english name to chinese,
like syafiqah= sha-fi-ge
or bryan=ber-lai-yen
haha and me? momoko= mao mao gou
well tats all for today im gona eat!!!im startving..serisouly i ate alot..too much tis week!
i tink i gained 5kg haha..yea whn i eat..i eat ALOT haha
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Taylor Swift You Belong With Me Official Music Video HQ With Lyrics
lucas till!! 1of taylors goood songs haha
yay!tmrw last paper for me!!
gosh today a-maths was so bad!
i have a feeling i am going to fail all my subjects..
if i do,i'd rather die thn go home.
cuz if i come home,my dads gona kill~me
ok so tats the future so lemme talk abt today.,
mother tongue listening was the 1st paper,it was okay..kinda cool managed
to understand wud they were ACTUALLY saying!
thxs to myself for listening to yes 93.3 these days.i listen to it more thn 98.7 now!
thne aft the horrendous battle with a-maths,
it was art, aft the 1hr break.
we had to draw a banana for 3hrs!
i stare at stare dosent have a mouth,thrfore i cant talk with it..
after draw 1st view, cut it into half...the cut part started to turn black 0.0
so i had to keep shading the cross-section blacker and blacker haha.
aft tat, 3 friggin hours of staring at the banana,squishing it together IT WAS OVER!
aft tat got fad up with fiona keep saying anyting..thn kept singing
ting ting ting..syafiqah and i have concluded the banana made her brain into a banana itself.
thn syah,fiona and i went BBP..since didnt want to go home aft the banana tiring!!
fiona was still saying ting dong dong or sumeting like tat..
we started singsing ba ba black sheep. (^~^)
ate at long john..i ate french fries obught a nice purple pen at popular
thn go hme..haha kinda fun la..
well tmrws physics..URGH!
well bye!
yay!tmrw last paper for me!!
gosh today a-maths was so bad!
i have a feeling i am going to fail all my subjects..
if i do,i'd rather die thn go home.
cuz if i come home,my dads gona kill~me
ok so tats the future so lemme talk abt today.,
mother tongue listening was the 1st paper,it was okay..kinda cool managed
to understand wud they were ACTUALLY saying!
thxs to myself for listening to yes 93.3 these days.i listen to it more thn 98.7 now!
thne aft the horrendous battle with a-maths,
it was art, aft the 1hr break.
we had to draw a banana for 3hrs!
i stare at stare dosent have a mouth,thrfore i cant talk with it..
after draw 1st view, cut it into half...the cut part started to turn black 0.0
so i had to keep shading the cross-section blacker and blacker haha.
aft tat, 3 friggin hours of staring at the banana,squishing it together IT WAS OVER!
aft tat got fad up with fiona keep saying anyting..thn kept singing
ting ting ting..syafiqah and i have concluded the banana made her brain into a banana itself.
thn syah,fiona and i went BBP..since didnt want to go home aft the banana tiring!!
fiona was still saying ting dong dong or sumeting like tat..
we started singsing ba ba black sheep. (^~^)
ate at long john..i ate french fries obught a nice purple pen at popular
thn go hme..haha kinda fun la..
well tmrws physics..URGH!
well bye!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
so im in the midst of exams and tommorw i have 3 papers! 0.0
mt paper3,a-maths paper2 and art<--tis is 3 friggin hrs!!!
wah can die le haha.
just now went mcdonalds study.
kinda fun haha bryan keep sacarstic and make noise..cant study properly
but damn fun haha.
u noe its been a while since i heard a nice slow song
and guess wud yesterday whn i was fretting over chemistry,
i heard tis awesome song from taylor swift-you belong with me.
its SO nice!!ok to tell to the truth im not really liking taylor swift songs..
teardrops on my guitar and love story is the only 2 song i liked,cuz other thn tat..
her songs are kinda!yesterday heard the song 21st century breakdown and its
so nice!!!green days are awesome rockers!!
u noe the video for the song you belong with me is so nice!
haha the guy in it ive seen him in a drama or movie,
but i cant seem to rmbr haha.
well im SO in love with tis song now,hey u cant blame me
im 15 and im easily in lurve haha..jk jk..
now studys first yeas? so fiona..不要乱乱想!
ahh well today im tlaking till here.i prob will put the taylor swift song here..hehe
so im in the midst of exams and tommorw i have 3 papers! 0.0
mt paper3,a-maths paper2 and art<--tis is 3 friggin hrs!!!
wah can die le haha.
just now went mcdonalds study.
kinda fun haha bryan keep sacarstic and make noise..cant study properly
but damn fun haha.
u noe its been a while since i heard a nice slow song
and guess wud yesterday whn i was fretting over chemistry,
i heard tis awesome song from taylor swift-you belong with me.
its SO nice!!ok to tell to the truth im not really liking taylor swift songs..
teardrops on my guitar and love story is the only 2 song i liked,cuz other thn tat..
her songs are kinda!yesterday heard the song 21st century breakdown and its
so nice!!!green days are awesome rockers!!
u noe the video for the song you belong with me is so nice!
haha the guy in it ive seen him in a drama or movie,
but i cant seem to rmbr haha.
well im SO in love with tis song now,hey u cant blame me
im 15 and im easily in lurve haha..jk jk..
now studys first yeas? so fiona..不要乱乱想!
ahh well today im tlaking till here.i prob will put the taylor swift song here..hehe
Friday, May 8, 2009
gosh today's test was bad!
e-maths i probably will fail.
just b4 the test,got announcement,all girls supposed to go hall...
thn principal talk abt an incident which happend
aft tat e-maths!!i didnt do 2 ques!
aft recess history
i hope i pass..i tink i did okay..
thn chinese oral aft tat..wah tat one i die la..
i duno how to say and i kept stammering
i felt i wasnt breatheing at times!
ah well,tis whole week tiring la
nest week gona be worse..
haha im now listening to queen and 周杰伦
haha..queen is awesome..i grew up listening to them so ya,haha
well byez!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
^SEE! dont u see the similarity?!?!(i feel like im doing history.comparison ques haha)
ok,as i wait for my cup noodle to be done,
im writing tis blog
nth much happend today just tat our physics teacher didnt come due to some meeting
which he dragged our form teacher to go and our form teacher is our history teacher
hus supposed to giv us remedial and tmrw is our hist test (0.0)
kinda harsh huh.
ah well,tmrw it e-maths and history,i am SO unprepared!
especially for essay, i should have taken geography
but i couldnt stand the thought of learning plants for the rest of2 yrs.
anyways,i just hope i pass my maths and english,
if not i tink im gona be banned to go out in june (0.0)
oh u noe just last night i watched american idol..
and whoo hoo the show rocked!
no seriously it rocked..the theme was rock...
anyho,i hope danny dosent go,but yet i also dun want kris to go.
kinda sad..haha
u noe if u stare realli close at adam lambert and joe jonas they realli DO lk alike..
and yes zac efron's hair is cut using a nice bowl haha.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
^he reminds me of joe jonas...
bac home now
ahh i guess home prob the best.
im so tired these days,
everytime 4+ got thunder and the howling of the winds agasint
my windows friggin wake me up
these days are rather boring,
u noe these days ive been drinking this drink..
i dun noe wuds it called, but its made up of apple vinegar and honey
of course at home make..i dun tink outside got sell..
but DAMN this drink rocks!
today!!i must watch american idol!!
i canot miss le!!tonight is rock and guess hus mentoring..
ahh well,
u noe i wonder wud tis world is going down to.
today i was walking to lift lobby,
alot of students,malay all i tink gang one
and ok if their sec i understand..but they were primary skool people!!
i suddenly wandered wud is happening to the world man?!?!
ahh today other thn syah screaming at zac efron nth else was fun
except dduring SS i was told to take the class register and thn
when i ran out,i tripped ovr a chair..
hu the hell puts a lonely chair near the door!!
haha at least i was outside whn i tripped haha,
well i gtg..eating lunch and have to do alot of stuffs b4 dad comes home
Monday, May 4, 2009
ahh today is the last day for
the radio story on yes 9.33 so sad
wander wud happens haha.
just now slept a lil while
just now on yes 933 heard a damn nice song
wilber pan+ akon-be with you
OHH I LURVEE TAT SONG!!but utube keep stoppin wth!
sigh.thn imeem dun have walau
ahh well,today kinda tired,
just slept a while cuz headache
nowo ok le thx god..
just now in class 2nd tempreture taking i got 37.5 haha..too hot le
haha,today play badminton wit lydia kinda tiring but fun (^~^)
from today onwards all skool have to take temperature
kinda reminds me of P3,tat time also take temperature.
haha,but tis time,our vp tells us how to take out the thermometer
and put it into ur mouth and close ur lips arnd it and wait for the'beep' sound funnie,
ah tmrw skool again,friday e-maths,history and chinese oral suay
but aiya must GAMBATE!!
haha bye!!
ahh today is the last day for
the radio story on yes 9.33 so sad
wander wud happens haha.
just now slept a lil while
just now on yes 933 heard a damn nice song
wilber pan+ akon-be with you
OHH I LURVEE TAT SONG!!but utube keep stoppin wth!
sigh.thn imeem dun have walau
ahh well,today kinda tired,
just slept a while cuz headache
nowo ok le thx god..
just now in class 2nd tempreture taking i got 37.5 haha..too hot le
haha,today play badminton wit lydia kinda tiring but fun (^~^)
from today onwards all skool have to take temperature
kinda reminds me of P3,tat time also take temperature.
haha,but tis time,our vp tells us how to take out the thermometer
and put it into ur mouth and close ur lips arnd it and wait for the'beep' sound funnie,
ah tmrw skool again,friday e-maths,history and chinese oral suay
but aiya must GAMBATE!!
haha bye!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
currently watching the final riot on the com
hehe since i changed the com cd drive,we can watch dvds(^~^)
i tink out of all the many bands coming up
paramore is like NUMBER 1!!!
hayley's voice is so special and soothing
unlike heymonday's lead singer haha.
and hayley's pretty..
i wana tour arnd the world like them!
i wana be a guitarist in a band and tour the world haha. their performing my heart..
i nvr heard it b4,but its nice (>~<)
well i gtg
i just exhausted myself today cuz went to e-maths and a-maths again
bryan stupidly took the bus tinking i was in it
so today couldnt go home with him.
somemore last night there were thunders and heavy rain,
i am scared of thunders..and i hate light at night,
so i dragged my mattress to the floor and slept in front of my table tired..couldnt sleep at all
well i wrote too gona go update my facebook (^~^)
p.s im fad up with life..
i seriously dun want to care abt studies anymore.
i study 24/7 ok mayb not 24/7,but still
i spend maybe abt 7 yrs of studying and i tink i had enough with it
i dun care if i fail,ok i do,im scared of them,
but if tat day comes,i prob just runaway,like i always wanted since 12..
currently watching the final riot on the com
hehe since i changed the com cd drive,we can watch dvds(^~^)
i tink out of all the many bands coming up
paramore is like NUMBER 1!!!
hayley's voice is so special and soothing
unlike heymonday's lead singer haha.
and hayley's pretty..
i wana tour arnd the world like them!
i wana be a guitarist in a band and tour the world haha. their performing my heart..
i nvr heard it b4,but its nice (>~<)
well i gtg
i just exhausted myself today cuz went to e-maths and a-maths again
bryan stupidly took the bus tinking i was in it
so today couldnt go home with him.
somemore last night there were thunders and heavy rain,
i am scared of thunders..and i hate light at night,
so i dragged my mattress to the floor and slept in front of my table tired..couldnt sleep at all
well i wrote too gona go update my facebook (^~^)
p.s im fad up with life..
i seriously dun want to care abt studies anymore.
i study 24/7 ok mayb not 24/7,but still
i spend maybe abt 7 yrs of studying and i tink i had enough with it
i dun care if i fail,ok i do,im scared of them,
but if tat day comes,i prob just runaway,like i always wanted since 12..
Saturday, May 2, 2009

too tired to go online yesterday so here i am today!haha well,yesterday and today were stress-free days (^~^) lets start frm yesterday
Yesterday went to suntec,let my parents c my picture..
thn went to pasir ris,since my rents wanted to eat sakura and to celebrate
my dad's belated b'day.
went thr,sooo many people,they gave up dun feel like eatin
wah,i just realized how much pasir ris had changed!!!
i wana go thr again one day..or mayb not. I WANT GO EAST COAST PARK!!
i want to ride a bike!!i wana speed and ride so fast,people'll tink im mad (>~<) i used to do tat whni was young and i often gt scolded for it..heheh the last time i rode a bike was long. ok thn we went tampines,canot park,fad up drove to simei,park thr, take mrt to tampines,went tampines 1, and go uniqlo so happy!i got clothes!!CHECKERED SHIRT TOO!!!hehe,but alot of people..i thought i was goin to die alrdy thn drive arnd,bought bks frm kinnokunia again,so happy,but my magazine wasnt in still.
thn went to pasir ris,since my rents wanted to eat sakura and to celebrate
my dad's belated b'day.
went thr,sooo many people,they gave up dun feel like eatin
wah,i just realized how much pasir ris had changed!!!
i wana go thr again one day..or mayb not. I WANT GO EAST COAST PARK!!
i want to ride a bike!!i wana speed and ride so fast,people'll tink im mad (>~<) i used to do tat whni was young and i often gt scolded for it..heheh the last time i rode a bike was long. ok thn we went tampines,canot park,fad up drove to simei,park thr, take mrt to tampines,went tampines 1, and go uniqlo so happy!i got clothes!!CHECKERED SHIRT TOO!!!hehe,but alot of people..i thought i was goin to die alrdy thn drive arnd,bought bks frm kinnokunia again,so happy,but my magazine wasnt in still.
Today,took bus 190 to hereen with rents,
go thr buy CDS!!oh i went mad!
i tink i bought like 4 cds haha.
damn ex lor wa lau,but i DO invest alot in cds haha..
bought the red jumpsuit apparatus,paramore,chemistry and GREEEEN!!!
yay!!greeeen's cd is SO ex..$34 bloody hell,but hey i rather buy cds thn buy online
i am not an online music supporter..i told some of u b4,
i hate digital stuff.including tis stupid com..
thn frm hereen take mrt to city link go esplanade take pictures
for my grandpa in jap,show him how cool singapore scenary is since the time they came
haha,thn went to maraina square play crane machine again
and WE GOT 1 TOY!!so dad got it,but if i didnt tell him to move the ting back abit i tink canot get lor.heh heh (>.<) thn walk arnd got a speaker,since on sale so happy.. thn went home by bus.. on the way home i told myself I AM SO GOING TO SAVE SKATEBOARD I DUN CARE WUD MY PARENTS TINK! im gona buy it and sneak it into my hse (^~^) ahh i cant believe tmrw's alrdy sunday, tution again so sad.bloody hell, monday study study study, tuesday study stuy study fad up alrdy la.. i wish life wasnt so stress, i duno how people can score so well, how can they actually sit the butt on their chair and study?!!
go thr buy CDS!!oh i went mad!
i tink i bought like 4 cds haha.
damn ex lor wa lau,but i DO invest alot in cds haha..
bought the red jumpsuit apparatus,paramore,chemistry and GREEEEN!!!
yay!!greeeen's cd is SO ex..$34 bloody hell,but hey i rather buy cds thn buy online
i am not an online music supporter..i told some of u b4,
i hate digital stuff.including tis stupid com..
thn frm hereen take mrt to city link go esplanade take pictures
for my grandpa in jap,show him how cool singapore scenary is since the time they came
haha,thn went to maraina square play crane machine again
and WE GOT 1 TOY!!so dad got it,but if i didnt tell him to move the ting back abit i tink canot get lor.heh heh (>.<) thn walk arnd got a speaker,since on sale so happy.. thn went home by bus.. on the way home i told myself I AM SO GOING TO SAVE SKATEBOARD I DUN CARE WUD MY PARENTS TINK! im gona buy it and sneak it into my hse (^~^) ahh i cant believe tmrw's alrdy sunday, tution again so sad.bloody hell, monday study study study, tuesday study stuy study fad up alrdy la.. i wish life wasnt so stress, i duno how people can score so well, how can they actually sit the butt on their chair and study?!!
ahh well,i gtg..
have to start brushing up my history..
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